Applied Research Methods in Criminal Justice LIB150-M02
Essay One: In reviewing the articles provided below, your final exam will be to associate the two articles to the materials covered in class as it relates to Research Methods. Read the articles carefully. Utilize your notes to answer the following questions. Your final exam will be graded based on how well and how comprehensive you are in addressing the following issues:
Identify the type of research each article represents (e.g. longitudinal, randomization, etc.), how studies would be conducted and what were the significant ethical issues raised each study, and what were their impact or potential impact?
Attached to this announcement is your Final Exam. Review the articles and follow the instructions included with the exam. The assignment can be found in the link below. In addition, the assignment can be found in the Week 14 Assignment here on Black Board. Also in the Week 14 Assignment folder are the two articles associated to this exam.