THE TOPIC is ABOUT anxiety Remember: you must ensure that you approach your topic in relation to how it can be prevented by modifying risk or protective factors (behavioural or environmental) not how to screen for it or treat it once it manifests. This assessment requires you to focus on primary prevention; not secondary or tertiary prevention. You will NOT include any information about screening or treating the health issue. Nor will you address prevention strategies these are only in the written report. The written report is an opportunity to investigate anxiety in detail and practice longer form academic writing. Below is the suggested structure although you may choose to have additional subheadings specific to the topic. please ensure that you use academic language (nonemotive) and cite sources of all information. 1.0 Introduction (5%) [~150 words] In this section, you should introduce the topic, describe what your report is about, and define any necessary terms. At the end of the introduction, include a clear statement of purpose. You will need one to two paragraphs and this section should include references. 2.0 Overview of health topic and determinants (15%) [~350 words] In this section, you should clearly describe your allocated health topic what it is and what causes or contributes to it (i.e. specific social determinants and/or risk factors). 3.0 Rationale for health topic needing action (20%) [~400 words] In this section, you must describe who the health issue affects (populations of interest), how many it affects (prevalence and incidence) and how badly it affects them (morbidity and mortality). You should include statistics (where appropriate) such as: • trends of the health issue in Australia over at least 8–10 years (is this issue increasing or decreasing in severity/impact?); • gender and/or age differences in those affected; and • any vulnerable or marginalised groups disproportionately affected. Use a table, graph or image would be useful. Ensure that tables or graphs are properly labelled and the source identified and referenced. Sources may include journal articles, publications from government and semigovernment bodies, and research statistics. Consider your chosen health issue in the context of definitions of health, public health and health promotion as well as the social determinants of health. In this section, you should describe ONE program that is (or has been in the past) used to prevent this health issue and would be considered to fit within a Health Education approach as discussed in the unit. A program is a specific set of activities used to change someone’s behaviour or reduce their risk of disease by a specific organisation or government department. Do not discuss a broad approach such as social marketing or peer education. Find a specific program that has been implemented and evaluated (i.e. has been tested to see if it was successful in some way) you may use government or organisational websites for this section. Describe the features of the program and what impact it has had on the epidemiology of the health topic. 5.0 Primary prevention 2 (Policy) (15%) [~250 words] In this section, you must describe ONE policy/law that could be used to prevent this health issue from occurring. Describe the features of the policy/law and how it impacts the epidemiology of the health topic. Prioritise identifying a policy/law that has actually been implemented 6.0 Conclusion (5%) [~100 words] In this section, you must remind the reader of the overall content and purpose of the report. Reiterate why your health issue requires action. Include information regarding who is most at risk and who health promotion programs should be aimed at in the future (e.g. whole population or a particular target group). Don’t include any new information in the Conclusion and references are generally not necessary for this section. 7.0 References (5%) You must use a 10 peerreviewed journal articles (published later than the year 2011) You may also consider information sourced from authoritative sites on the Internet such as the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet and the Australian Bureau of Statistics. However, the latter should not make up more than 20% of your references and will not count towards the 10 peerreviewed journal articles which must be your main source of information. Please do not use textbooks as references. Don’t use website don’t use non peer articles don’t use fact sheets , content page and the numbering must start from the introduction page