Organization and Assignment Requirements: Presents coherently and
logically organized ideas that are thoughtful and in-depth. Meets all
length requirements and addresses all aspects of the assignment.
Meets the required number of resources; all sources meet the
assignment specifications.
Question 1: Provides a correct and thorough answer and insightful
explanations of the serosal cavities penetrated by the first arrow.
Includes a detailed discussion of the location, cellular components,
and purpose of the serous membrane.
Question 2: Provides a thorough and insightful explanation of the
autonomic nervous system and how it reacts to the arrow attack.
Includes a detailed discussion of how the attack will affect the vital
signs (P, BP, R, T.)
Question 3: Provides a correct and thorough explanation of the
trajectory of the first arrow using directional terms and anatomical
planes. Includes a detailed discussion of the organs and membranes
affected by the first arrow.
Question 4: Provides a correct and thorough explanation of the
cardiovascular system and how the pulmonary and systemic circuits
will be affected by the arrows. Includes detailed information on the
effect of the arrows on the hematocrit and hemoglobin values.
Question 5 :Provides a correct and thorough explanation of the
possible neuromuscular effects of the second arrow. Describes the
components of a neuromuscular junction, including key organelles in
Question 6 : Correctly identifies the three tissue types found,
including the subcategories and cellular components of each.
Discusses in detail how the arrow injuries will affect this area.
APA and Mechanics : The assignment consistently follows current
APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and
references. There are no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
All sources are cited and referenced correctly.