Poetry Analysis Website Overview
This assignment exists to:
1. Give students an understanding of a major English poet
2. Create an understanding of literary devices
3. Develop skills in relevant digital literacy
It might help to begin with the end in mind. Here is an example of a student website. Your end product will look something like this.
1. Read the poetry selections for the week and claim a poet on the forum (each poet can have 4 students assigned, so it is first-come, first-serve).
2. Go to the Poetry Foundation to read more about your poet’s life and work. Read five other poems by the poet. Choose a favorite from your readings and link to that poem later on your website (you will use a link to avoid copyright violations—do not post the poem).
3. Fill out the Poetry Analysis Sheet (this will be submitted later to Turnitin along with a link to your website)
4. Use the Poetry Analysis Sheet to build your website. Each website must contain the following pages:
– Biography
– Literary Merit
– Poetic Devices
– My Favorite Poem (with discussion questions)
5. Post your website to the Week 6 Discussion Forum. Students will read through your website and poem selection and answer the discussion questions as part of the assignment. Each student must answer two other students who have not shared the same poet. Please be sure to respond to students who have not had any responses first.
6. Post your Poetry Analysis Sheet, with a hyperlink and a URL of your website copied and pasted prominently at the top.
7. Take quizzes each week, respecting the proper due dates.
Here is a rubric for this assignment:
Required Components
(5 points)
The site contains clearly marked pages:
1. Biography
2. Literary Merit
3. Poetic Devices
4. Analysis of poem
5. Discussion Questions
(10 points)
The site has correct and relevant biographical, historical, and critical information
Rationale for the selected poem is developed and clear
Source material is clearly cited
(5 points)
High quality photos used, hypertext links work
Includes at least two video and/or audio components
Multimedia material adds to the overall site quality
Overall Presentation
(5 points)
Writing is college-level, is arranged clearly,
Standard grammar, usage, and mechanics
Site design is easily navigable and smooth with headers and section titles