This refers to a period in the history of Britain from 1750 – 1850 when the country’s
population grew quickly. More people were born and the death rate fell. This created
a number of problems.
More food was needed to feed all the extra people.
The old methods of farming, which had been unchanged for centuries, were no
longer good enough to supply the food that was needed.
New and better methods were urgently needed.
The great landowners and farmers of 18-century Britain approached these problems
from a number of angles.
Advances in food production.
Advances in animal breeding methods.
Advances in farm machinery.
Advances in Food Production;
For almost ten centuries the Open-Field System had been used to produce food in
Britain. This gave a farmer one-acre strips of land in three large, open fields. Each
year two of the fields were cultivated while the third was allowed to rest.
There were a few disadvantages with this system-
It was time wasteful as the farmer spent much time travelling from strip to
It was land wasteful as there was always land not in use.
It could not meet the increased demand for food that arose as the population