Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2
Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid
Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas.
You will use the information in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment.
Identify the Population Health concern you selected.
Describe the Population Health concern you selected.
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is to blame for the current worldwide health disaster known as COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic in March 2020 after it started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. As a result of its swift global spread, it started in late 2019. On public health, economics, and day-to-day living, the pandemic has had profound and negative effects.
Administration (President Name)
President Joe Biden
President Donald Trump
Explain how each of the two presidential administrations approached the issue.
President Joe Biden’s Strategy from January 20,2021 up till May,2023.
President Biden’s administration unveiled a comprehensive national strategy to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. This policy includes increased testing, mask mandates on federal property, and an emphasis on vaccine distribution and equity.
President Biden issued executive orders mandating the wearing of masks on federal property and in interstate transit. He also urged states and municipalities to enact mask mandates and social distance policies.
The Biden administration increased vaccine distribution efforts dramatically, with the goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in his first 100 days in office. This target was met, and immunization efforts have continued.
The strategy taken by President Trump about COVID-19 Operation Warp Speed is a public-private collaboration that the Trump administration launched on January 20, 2017, with the goal of hastening the creation, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations. It will run from January 20, 2017, through January 20, 2021. Several vaccinations were quickly developed as a result of this endeavor, receiving approval for emergency use and being made available to the general public.
Early on in the pandemic, President Trump established travel limitations to prevent travelers from specific nations with high infection rates from entering. These limitations were perceived as an effort to stop the virus’s spread.
In an effort to remove administrative barriers to the quick development and delivery of vaccines, the Trump administration followed a deregulatory strategy. To increase access to telehealth services, they also relaxed some healthcare rules.
Identify the allocations of resources that the current and previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
Resources have been set aside to increase COVID-19 testing capacity and improve contact tracing operations. Funding was provided for testing supplies, laboratory capacity, and contact tracers.
To ensure an adequate supply of masks, notably N95 masks, for healthcare workers and the general public, the administration invested in their production and distribution.
Additional public health employees were hired and trained to assist with vaccination and testing operations.
The American Rescue Plan Act, signed into law by President Biden, provides extra economic help to individuals, businesses, and healthcare providers affected by the pandemic. Direct stimulus funds and extended unemployment benefits were included in this relief.
The Trump administration has committed significant resources to Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership focused at speeding the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations. Pharmaceutical businesses received funding for vaccine development and manufacture.
Through Operation Warp Speed, the administration dedicated resources to distribute immunizations to states. The logistics and distribution activities were coordinated to guarantee that vaccines were delivered to states on schedule.
Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis
Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected
Which administrative agency (like HHS, CDC, FDA, OHSA) would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? Why is this agency the most helpful?
How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the presidential agenda? How does it stay there?
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor (this can be a celebrity, a legislator, an agency director, or others) of the healthcare issue you selected? An example is Michael J. Fox a champion for Parkinson’s disease.