Choose one idea or topic from Blindspot that you would like to explore further.
Identify one specific type and/or place where hidden bias happens in society. Expose the problem and/or discuss possible solutions.
Finding Your Topic: Review your notes from reading Blindspot Ch 1-6 and Appendix 1. What surprised you? What piqued your curiosity? What data did you question? What would you like to learn more about? Is there some other type of bias you’d like to research? Create a specific research question.
Ideas: Make sure your research question is focused and not too broad. You can focus on a problem OR a solution OR both. Here are just a few examples:
• Are minority children punished more harshly in preschool and elementary schools? Why? How can this problem be solved?
• How do “good” teachers unwittingly continue to support systemic bias in education?
• Is there such thing as “appearance bias” (lookism)?
• What kinds of biases exist in professional sports?
• Should universities admit students based on race-based quotas? Is this more fair or less fair?
• Which country has high math scores for girls? What is their secret?
• Which company hires the most disabled people? Why and how do they do this?
• Why did Starbucks close last May to conduct anti-bias training? What was the training, and was it effective?