1. Choose a dance which represents the culture you have been assigned. Clear the dance with me before you begin your research.
2. Prepare a 1 1/2- 2 page report in your own words and one video of the dance with the following information and in the following format.
A. Name of the dance and country it originates from
B. Pertinent history of the dance
C. Purpose of the dance (What is the function of the dance in the society)
D. Who dances it (adult males, adult females, both, children, everyone)
E. **Describe the main steps (at least two steps) using your Elements of Dance Chart and five elements per movement you are describing. (B.A.S.T.E.) Use this opportunity to show me how to use the Elements of Dance when describing movement.
F. Submit the video of an example of your dance in an assignment called “Submit Your Video”.
G. Include a detailed description of the costume including
a. upper body
b. lower body
c. ankle/footware
d. headdress
f. accessories or jewelry
H. Music: Describe the following
a. Style of music
b. Instruments used:main instruments creating the sound such as drums, bagpipes
c. Tempo (upbeat, medium tempo, slow)