write research paper onAerobic Exercise vs. Resistance Exercise on Type II Diabetes
1) Objectives: One or two sentences describe the context and intention of the review.
2) Results: several sentences describe main outcomes.
3) Conclusions: One or two sentences present the conclusion (which is linked to the objectives).
*Length: 200 to 250 words. *No citations
1) Subject background: The general topic, issue, or area of concern is given to illustrate the context.
2) “Problem”. Trends, new perspectives, gaps, conflicts, or a single problem is indicated
3) Motivation/justification. The author’s reason for reviewing the Literature.
Note: 1 page max. & put citations
Main Body:
Possible criteria for structuring the topic are:
• methodological approaches
• mechanisms or theories
• extent of support for a given thesis
• studies that agree with another versus studies that disagree
– Cover one idea, aspect or topic per paragraph.
– Avoid referring to only one study per paragraph; consider several studies per paragraph instead.
– Frequently link the discussed research findings to the research question stated in the introduction. These links create a thread of coherence in your review paper.
– Link the studies to one another. Compare and discuss these relationships.
– Include citations
• implications of the findings
• interpretations by the authors (kept separate from factual information)
• identification of unresolved questions
Note: Make sure to have a clear take home message that integrates the points discussed in the review. Make sure your conclusions are not simply a repeat of the abstract!
Use at least 6 peer-reviewed original research articles. Include every reference cited in the text (alphabetic order). Avoid internet sources i.e., .com.
Format: 12 font size, double-spaced.