Paper Option 1: Research Proposal on Treatment in Correctional Facilities
Topic: Addiction Treatment in Correctional Facilities
Write a research proposal for an empirical study that would advance our knowledge about one of the broad topics covered in this course. The study you design should be grounded in the existing research literature but should not be a replication of a study already conducted. That is, your study, if conducted, should tell us something unique about the topic you choose. The topic can be one that we have covered in class or something new. This research proposal should follow APA guidelines (i.e., you must include a title page, an abstract, a running head, an introduction, a method section, and references in APA format). The introduction should include a literature review (8 pgs.), should justify your project (e.g. why is this unique and how can this be helpful), and should conclude with the specific hypotheses you propose to test (e.g. the effectiveness of a new type of treatment on inmates). The method section should include a detailed description of how you propose to test those hypotheses (e.g. pre & post-test). You will be graded on the quality of your idea (e.g., was the idea novel; were the methods sound) and the quality of your writing (including whether APA format was followed).
Notes: This assignment is a draft so I need a research proposal outline (APA) along with an introduction