Part 1 – Excel Workbook Calculations
This Excel Workbook is available on learning portal under assessment section. There are 3
consolidated reports pertaining to profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow activities for the most
recent 5 years. In this section, you must show all of your workings, that is, you must use Excel
formulas to calculate your answers. Numbers only will not be accepted.
1. Vertical Analysis – Within the Balance Sheet worksheet, conduct a vertical analysis of the 2019
financial information.
2. Ratio Analysis – Within the Income Statement worksheet, conduct a ratio analysis of the last 2 years
of operations (2019 and 2018). Determine the ratios listed in the areas of profitability, efficiency,
liquidity and solvency.
Part 2 – Business Report
1. Using the results of the Ratio Analysis in Excel workbook, comment on the organisation’s
Profitability, Efficiency, Liquidity and Solvency.
2. Based on the results of your analysis, make recommendations on areas that need improvement or
further investigation. Include in your recommendations how the organisations can improve its
growth, profit targets and become more competitive.
3. With reference to Statement of Cashflows of Myer, compare and comment with reasons on net
increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents in 2018 and 2019.
See the Report Format section for guidance on the report structure.
BIZ201 Assessment 3 Brief Page 4 of 9
Report Format
As this is a business report, the following sections and headings should be included in your write up:
Cover Page – Includes assessment title, student name and ID, subject name and code, lecturer’s name,
submission date, word count. Be creative while making your cover page.
Executive Summary – An executive summary provides a succinct summary of the content within the report. It
presents information in such a way that readers are able to understand the intention and key elements of the
report without having to read the entire document. It is recommended to write 10-20% of your total word
limit of the report. This section is not included in the word count.
Table of Contents – A summary of the sections (headings/sub-headings) and pages numbers.
Introduction – The introduction sets the scene and provides context for the aim. It provides background to
the issues being addressed only. (Approximately 10% of word count)
Main Discussion – (Rename the headings/sub-headings to reflect your report). This section should provide
information regarding the analysis you undertook addressing the key deliverables i.e. Part 2.
Conclusion – The conclusion restates the aim then provides a brief and concise summary of the discussion to
demonstrate that the aim of the report has been achieved. No new information is to be included in the
conclusion. (Approximately 10% of word count)
References – It is essential that you use Torrens Academic Writing Guide – APA for citing and referencing
research. Please see more information on referencing here
http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencing. Please see the marking rubric at the end of this
document for a guide to how many references you should be including in this report. References are not
included in the word count.
Appendices – This is where you provide supporting material which is unsuitable for inclusion in the body of
the report, but still has some value to contribute to the report. Note – if you have included an Appendices
section in your report, you must mention them in the main body.