Abstrаct Relаted Essaу Write an essay of approximately 2000 words which provides a critical analysis of abstracts relevant to the student’s area of research/interest. My PhD dissertation topic is “An evaluation of strategic planning in managing crisis – A view from Abu Dhabi Construction Sector” So you need to write an essay that related to my area topic The essay is expected to contain the following sections (with indicative word counts in brackets): 1. Abstract selection process You need to select 4 abstracts in your field of research/interest. You need to indicate how you have found/selected/obtained the used abstracts (i.e. which search keywords, tools, database used). It would make sense if not all four abstracts were from the same (e.g. journal) source, and if this is not the case (so if they are all from the same source) this should be justified. The details of the abstracts provided should be sufficient to find them online. You should indicate the word count for each of the abstract and also provide an average word count. It is expected that you include the abstracts in an appendix to the essay. 2. Common aspects/differences (500) You need to identify common aspects and differences in the selected abstracts. This could/should cover structure, style, level of detail, etc. 3. Own abstract Write an abstract related to your own research/interest area. This should be aimed at your peer (research) group (and as such distinct from the assessment 2 abstract). The word count should be equal to the average of the 4 selected abstracts (see point 1. above). 4. Reflection (500) Assess how your abstract compares to the 4 selected abstract, which common aspects / differences have you used. You can also reflect on the writing process: e.g. did you do several versions of the abstract and what was the editing process. It is expected that you provide a wordcount for each section. Marking Criteria: 2,000 words. Worth 50% of overall mark. This assignment is designed to demonstrate an understanding of relevant transferable skills aspects in personal and professional development and in conducting research. See Assessment 1 Marking Scheme below for more details Assessment 1 Marking Scheme Distinction (70+) These answers will show an excellent understanding of the skills and/or issues being assessed. To achieve a distinction, additional marks need to be gained from extended indepth study, and from careful and critical reflection on the relevance of the skills and/or issues being assessed to your own research, studies or personal and professional development. Expression and presentation will be excellent with no or very few errors. Clear Pass (6069) These answers will show a good awareness and competent evaluation of the skills and/or issues being assessed. They will show some evidence of further study, and of critical reflection on the relevance of the skills and/or issues being assessed to your own research, studies or personal and professional development, but it is likely that this could be more fully developed. Expression and presentation may include very few errors. Pass (5059) These answers will show limited awareness and evaluation of the skills and /or issues being assessed. There is very limited evidence of further study, and of critical reflection or the relevance of the skills and/or issues being assessed to your own research etc. Expression and presentation may include a significant number of errors. Fail (4049) These answers are poorly formulated and demonstrate little awareness of the skills and/or issues being assessed. There is confusion over the nature of these skills and issues, and little or no evidence of further study, or of critical reflection on the relevance of the skills and/or issues being assessed to your own research, studies or personal and professional development. Expression and presentation may include a large number of errors. Clear Fail (039) These answers are poorly formulated and demonstrate no awareness of the skills and/or issues being assessed. There is no evidence of further study or of critical reflection on the relevance of the skills and/or issues being assessed to your own research, studies or personal and professional development. Expression and presentation may include a large number of errors. These answers might not address the assignments.