Reaction Paper #1 Instructions – Tuesday’s with Morrie
A reaction paper is a formal essay that explains your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the required readings. It is not a review of the material. It should be organized as any other formal essay and include an analysis of your reaction and the expectations you had prior to the reading or experience, and a summary of your conclusions.
This Reaction Paper is for the ENTIRE BOOK (and not just for the Weeks 1-4 chapter readings).
You paper will have the following 6 sections related to the book:
Reflect on Morrie’s statement: “Love is how you stay alive, even after you have gone.” – WRITE ONE PAGE MINIMUM ON THIS SECTION
Reflect on Morrie’s statement: “The average person is brainwashed into believing that more material things, more money, more fame, more power, are all good. He has not perspective on what’s really important. These are people so hungry for love that they have settled for substitutes. You can’t substitute these things for love, gentleness, tenderness or a sense of comradeship.” – WRITE ONE PAGE MINIMUM ON THIS SECTION
Reflect on Morrie’s statement: “Marriage is a course of learning and discovery. You get tested. You find out who you are, who the other person is, and how you accommodate or don’t. Your values must be alike. The biggest one of these values is your belief in the importance of marriage.” – WRITE ONE PAGE MINIMUM ON THIS SECTION
How are the insights gained from this book helpful to you in your work in the human services field? – WRITE 1/2 PAGE MINIMUM ON THIS SECTION
How is your own worldview developed as a result of insights gained from this book? – WRITE 1/2 PAGE MINIMUM ON THIS SECTION
You can also draw on insights gained from Weeks 1-3 discussions, if you wish. However, DO NOT CUT AND PASTE FROM THE DISCUSSIONS. The entire paper must consist of original content, building on the existing knowledge base with properly citied references.
Your paper must have ALL of the 5 sections above as subheadings pasted in the paper. PUT THE SUB-TITLE OF EACH SECTON ABOVE IN YOUR PAPER, AND THEN WRITE THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF CONTENT FOLLOWING EACH SUB-TITLE.
Points will be lost if the minimum amount of content is not written for EACH sub-title above. For example, if you write three high quality pages on sub-title 1) above and the final page covers sections 2) through 5) then the grade for the paper will be around 8/18.
In writing your paper it is important for you to show critical thinking in comparing the concepts and perspectives to your own personal belief system and experience as well as the ways you can use them in your work in human services.
Papers are to be a minimum of four pages of content, NOT including title page, titles, sub-titles and references. After pasting in the sub-titles, aim for 4 ¼ to 5 pages to be on the safe side. Papers should be double-spaced, properly labeled with student name and course name, references from the reading must be cited properly using APA in the paper and a reference list should be included. Your paper must be proofread for grammatical and spelling issues. All papers must be submitted via Canvas AND via Turnitin in the online course and the Turnitin scores should be less then 4%.