write about the event and you can just follow up from there.
The purpose of this assignment is to create and design a cultural event plan, from start to finish, based on your proposal.
Consider yourself the event manager and you are responsible for creating a cultural event plan. This includes researching, planning, coordinating and evaluating the event.
Instructions : Please read carefully!
1. Your Event Plan should be able to provide enough information to populate each of the provided headings in bold. Not in bold are suggestions of possible content, but not limited to, based on your unique event.
2. Keep in mind the 5 design principles scale, shape, focus, timing, build, how will you create community ownership, integrity and authenticity, how will you evaluate?
3. Create an event plan, should be between 6-7pages in length including title page and reference page (APA).
4. Be concise (giving a comprehensive amount of information clearly and in few words). Avoid repeating the same thing in different sections. Make sure what you are saying fits within the intended section.
5. Use APA style for references and citations. 1. Title Page
2. Event Introduction and Overview
a. Introduce, define your event and provide a brief overview.
b. What makes this event unique? What are some of the qualities that will drive people toward this event versus another event?
3. Cultural Connection
a. Define or describe the cultural connection of this event.
b. How is your event culturally authentic?
4. Community
a. Who is the community involved? Define this
b. Who is hosting or putting this event on?
c. Who is the target market or intended consumer?
d. Who are the community stakeholders connected to the event?
5. Community Environment
a. Provide a brief overview of the geographic community in which the event takes place. For example, what are some of the important or applicable demographics? Why was this community chosen?
b. Physical Location
i. What is the physical location of your event? Is it in an arena, indoor or outdoor space? Give a brief description of the space.
ii. Why was this physical location chosen? What are some of the benefits of this location.? What are some of the drawbacks?
6. Benefits and Costs (Environmental, Social, Economic)
a. Identify any benefits and costs to the host community from this event and,
b. Identify any benefits and costs of hosting this event in this community
7. What a. What is being offered at this event? If there are booths, what kinds of booths, music-what kind of music etc?
b. Why were these chosen? For example, how are they assets to the event?
8. Want
a. Evaluation
i. How and when will you evaluate the event? Things to consider; culture, environment, community, economic factors.
b. Success
i. What does this look like for your event culturally, socially, environmentally and economically?
9. Reference Page