Your task, in seven to eight pages (that does not include your works cited page), write a paper about George Orwell’s life. Most importantly, please identify his contributions to the world of philosophy and critical thinking; that is, what did your chosen individual do, think, say, or write that changed the way we, as humans, view the world around us. You must use at least seven different cited sources, and you may not use an Internet source; that means that you may not use a .com, .edu, .net, .org, or .whatever source. You may, however, use the Internet to access Santa Ana College’s library’s database for books, articles, journals, etc. (You can use any library database to complete your research. I suggested Santa Ana College’s library because you, as a student of Santa Ana College, can access it from home or work for free.) If you use the library’s database, make sure that you properly cite your sources. (Under the External Links button, you will find a Writing Assistance folder. In that folder, you will find a link to the MLA Format and Style Guide.) The final draft of your paper will be due on Friday, August 4, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. This research paper is worth 15% of your final grade, and you will be graded not only on content but on your grammar, punctuation, and proper MLA format regarding parenthetical citation and the works cited page. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask me. Deal breakers: Deal breakers are items in a research paper that I dislike immensely, and if I see even one of them in your research paper, the research paper will automatically receive a zero. I won’t even finish reading the research paper. In this research paper, there nine deal breakers to be aware of: 1.?If any part of your research paper is plagiarized, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 2.?More than ten of one or a combination of the following: runons, commasplices, or fragments. If you have any more than six of these types of errors in your research paper, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 3.?If your research paper does not have a thesis, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 4.?If you do not meet the page length requirement (make sure that you have one inch margins, that everything is doublespaced, and that you use Times New Roman or Arial 12point font), you will receive a zero on this assignment. 5.?If you do not have a works cited page, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 6.?If you do not have parenthetical citations, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 7.?If you do not properly document your research paper, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 8.?If you do not have at least seven different cited sources, you will receive a zero on this assignment. 9. If you use a source that is not permitted, you will receive a zero on this assignment.