The four key elements of professional regulation have been identified as health professional registration, the setting of standards and codes, accreditation and the management of risk to the public through complaints handling (Chiarella & White, 2013). With reference to relevant disciplinary case law (from UK, Australia or New Zealand) and peer reviewed professional literature, explain how these four elements of the regulation of nursing contribute to public safety.
Structure & Marking Criteria
- Registration and accreditation: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of case law and literature in relation to the requirements for registration as a nurse, including the accreditation of educational programs (900 words)
- Standard setting: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of case law and literature in relation to the setting of standards and codes (900 words)
- Dealing with performance, health and conduct complaints and notifications: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of disciplinary case law and peer reviewed literature in relation to management of risk to the public through performance, health and conduct matters ( 1200 words)
Total 3000 words