Part 1: Assessment task You are required to design an assessment instrument and criteria rubric (criteria sheet) that focuses on science inquiry and is consistent with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) Science Syllabi in conjunction with Australian Curriculum Senior Years. To do this, you will need to familiarise yourself with the assessment practices described in the relevant senior science curriculum document. The different types of assessment tasks that you can design will be discussed in workshops and through Blackboard. Examples of assessment are also available on the QCAA website for your science subject area. You are also required to conduct your own reading and literature search to inform your understandings about assessment design. Part 2: Justification You will provide a written justification for the design of the assessment task to indicate the theory/literature that has informed the design of the task. Literature can be drawn from unit readings as well as your own research. This will include an account of the level of challenge in the task (e.g., higher order thinking skills), how the task addresses literacy and numeracy, and how students would be prepared to perform the task.