Question 1.1.The main roles of ethics committees are: (Points : 2)
protecting patient’s rights and making changes medical staff.
developing standards and policy, Education, Clinical consultation, and Resource allocation.
making financial decisions.
seek financial resources.
develop strategic plans.
Question 2.2.Caregivers who suspect resident abuse are expected to: (Points : 2)
report their findings.
document symptoms and conditions of suspected abuse.
clearly define signs of abuse.
ensure that proper follow-up, per facility policy occurs.
all of the above.
Question 3.3.Domestic violence is a complex social problem that carries serious health care consequences, especially for intimate partners and others in society. (Points : 2)
Question 4.4.Deontology is a theory of ethics that uses the concept of duty and respect for persons to define appropriate ethical actions. (Points : 2)
Question 5.5.According to Gaudine, Lamb, LeFort, and Thorne, the barriers that the clinical staff will encounter in using ethics committees are: (Points : 2)
not having enough information about what the ethics committees actually do, not enough experience in dealing with ethic committees, fear of the reaction of others in their work culture, and personal attitude of avoiding asking for assistance.
lack of training and education, fear of reprisal, and not being goal-oriented.
having an isolation mentality.
b & c only.
all of the above.
Question 6.6.The six normative ethics theories are: (Points : 2)
Natural Law, Egoistic, Authority-based, Theological, Deontological, and Virtue theories.
Relativism, Fiduciary, Utility, Utilitarianism, Ideological, and Eudaimonian theories.
Biomedical, Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Elitism, and Moral theories.
Egoistic, Theological, Autonomy, Natural Law, Elitism, and Utility theories
None of the above.
Question 7.7.This is the obligation to be fair in the distribution of benefits. (Points : 2)
Question 8.8.An advance directive is a legal document that allows a patient to express his or hers wishes about end-of-life issues and treatment this is also known as aliving will. (Points : 2)
Question 9.9.Consent can be: (Points : 2)
express consent.
verbal consent.
written agreement authorizing treatment.
Implied consent.
all of the above
Question 10.10.The critical study of major moral precepts, such as, what things are right and what things are good is referred to as: (Points : 2)
general normative ethics.
distributive justice.
Question 11.11.Active euthanasia occurs when: (Points : 2)
hope for survival still exists.
a potentially life-saving treatment is withdrawn or withheld.
physician assisted suicide.
there is an intentional commission of an act that will result in death.
none of the above.
Question 12.12.Systemic health inequality is a difference in health that consistently affects two or more populations and is not cause by random variations. (Points : 2)
Question 13.13.Guardianship is a: (Points : 2)
legal mechanism by which the court declares the guardian incompetent and appoints a proxy.
legal mechanism by which the court declares a person incompetent and appoints a guardian.
legal mechanism by which the court declares a person competent and appoints a guardian.
legal mechanism by which the court declares a family member incompetent and appoints a guardian.
none of the above.
Question 14.14.Respondeat superior is a legal doctrine holding: (Points : 2)
employers liable for the wrongful acts of independent contractors.
employers liable for the wrongful acts of the medical staff.
employers liable for the wrongful acts of their agents.
employers liable for the wrongful acts of contracted staff.
none of the above.
Question 15.15.Each state is required under the PSDA to: (Points : 2)
implement HIPAA.
provide local communities with state regulations regarding HIPAA violations.
provide a description of the law in the state regarding advance directives.
provide a description of the law in the state regarding advance directives to providers.
none of the above.
Question 16.16.The application of normative theories to practical moral problems is referred to as: (Points : 2)
normative ethics.
distributive justice.
secular ethics.
applied ethics.
Question 17.17.Advance directives: (Points : 2)
allow the patient to state in advance the kinds of medical care that he or she considers acceptable or not acceptable.
allow the patient to appoint an agent to make those decisions on his or her behalf.
allow the patient to execute a living will.
allow the patient to execute a durable power of attorney.
all of the above.
Question 18.18.Roe v. Wade involves a state’s right to decide a woman’s right to an abortion on a case by case basis during the first trimester of a pregnancy. (Points : 2)
Question 19.19.The American Health Information Management Association code of ethics provides that: (Points : 2)
the medical record must be preserved and protected.
refuse to participate in or conceal unethical practices or procedure.
confidential nature of the medical record must be preserved.
the medical records administrator must strive to advance knowledge and practice of medical record administration, including continued self-improvement, in order to contribute to the best possible medical care
all of the above.
Question 20.20.Altruism is acting unselfishly or in belief that one’s actions benefits others. (Points : 2)
Question 21.21.The critical study of major moral precepts, such as what things are right and what things are good, is referred to as morality. (Points : 2)
Question 22.22.Patients have a right to expect that information regarding their care and treatment will be kept confidential by: (Points : 2)
nurses and physicians.
board members.
all of the above.
Question 23.23.Practicing outside one’s scope of practice has both: (Points : 2)
mythical and legal concerns.
legal and practical concerns.
ethical and legal concerns.
ethical and code concerns.
regulatory concerns.
Question 24.24.A person can consent to something only if he or she: (Points : 2)
has inadequate competency to consent.
has sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice.
is in a comatose state.
none of the above.
Question 25.25.When does passive euthanasia occur? (Points : 2)
During a physician assisted suicide.
When there is an intentional commission of an act that will result in death.
When the hope for survival still exists.
When a potentially life-saving treatment is withdrawn or withheld.
All of the above.