Leading Organizations for Quality Improvement Initiative
What personal strengths do you have that would make you an effective nurse leader? What potential gaps might you need to address to improve your ability to be an effective nurse leader?
As a future DNP-prepared nurse, you will be called upon as a leader in your field, a leader in your practice, and a leader in your organization. Throughout your program of study, you will develop the skills, strategies, and knowledge to not only harness this role successfully but to do so at a high level of achievement and performance.
However, everyone must acknowledge both their own strengths and weaknesses, as a leader, and identify potential areas of improve to enhance these capabilities.
For this Assignment, you will explore your strengths and potential gaps based on the nurse leadership competencies provided. Review the competencies that best fit into your current nursing role (nurse executive competencies, system CNE competencies etc…). Reflect on potential goals you might set to improve as a nurse leader. You will also reflect on how this goal setting and self-examination will not only improve your nursing practice but also your healthcare organization.
Note: Access the AONL Nurse Leader Competencies from the Learning Resources link. Download the AONL Nurse Leader Core Competencies and review the pdf document to complete the Week 9 Assignment. You do not need to access and pay for the nurse leader skill assessment at the end of the competencies list provided.