The change project you are proposing is something you would like to address in your professional or personal life. This could be something you have wanted to change for a while or something you just realized needs changing.
Please follow the format below to outline your Change Project Proposal. Remember you are not conducting the change project, only proposing the steps you would take to implement the change. Your Change Project Proposal should be 1-2 pages in length.
Description, Scope (how large of a change will it be), and Need (for the change to occur)
Structure (how will you develop the change) and Setup (how are you in a position to carry out the change)
Social System at Work (who will be resistant, who will be your champions)
The complexity of Planned Change (what change model will you utilize, and how will it take place)
Goals (for the change project)
Time Period and Deadlines (how long will the change project take)
Professional and Personal Development (how would leading this change project impact you)