Discuss the most influential leaders and how they have shaped the industry in a well-researched paper.
Contrast the perspectives and drivers of professionals working in the media & entertainment industries to the perspectives of consumers and/or fans.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn from a leader’s successes, failures, and leadership styles within the entertainment business. From the earliest examples of music and sports to the more modern sectors including theme parks and the Internet, the industry is diverse and expanding. Even with this diversity and growth, many industry leaders share similar personal and professional traits including drive, motivation, perseverance, and customer and market knowledge. This assignment will explore what makes some industry leaders successful.
Choose a leader within a sector that you’d like to work in. Do not pick an athlete, coach, actor, etc. who doesn’t work on the business side of the industry.
Research and answer the following questions thoroughly in a paragraph-style paper. Use full sentences, do not bullet point or number your answers.
Each answer should be at least 5 sentences per question.
1. What leader have you chosen to speak about and what companies has your leader worked for?
2. What are some of your leader’s greatest business achievements?
3. What are some of your leader’s biggest business failures?
4. What have you learned from your leader’s achievements and failures?
5. Read this article “The 7 Traits of a Great Leader” and include at least 3 specific qualities you think your leader exhibits. “All” is not a sufficient answer.
6. How might your leader’s perspective of the media and entertainment industry be different from the average fan or consumer? Meaning, what makes your leader so great? What did/does your leader see that no one else sees that puts them on top?
Research is a big component of this assignment. You should be spending quite a bit of time searching for your answers.
Here is a list of leaders to help guide you in the right direction if you aren’t sure who to choose from: