Your paper should be 20-25 pages long excluding abstract, reference and title pages. Please follow APA format.
Scholarly Sources: A scholarly source is generally one that is written by a scholar instead of a journalist, in a publication for other scholars, with a bibliography and footnotes or endnotes, and little to no advertising. A Google search will not usually pull up a scholarly source. A web page is NOT a scholarly source. Agency policies and procedures are not scholarly sources. Databases are not scholarly sources. While these sources may prove useful to you, you must have at least 5 scholarly sources cited in your paper.
Use the library databases and limit your searches for scholarly articles to look for appropriate articles. Some data bases will work better than others. For example, in most MWSU databases containing scholarly sources using the advanced search function will bring up a box you can check to ask it to retrieve scholarly sources. It is permissible to request assistance from a research librarian to help you search for your material.
Government organizations such as the Department of Justice or private organizations such as the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) also provide scholarly articles and research.
Primary legal authority (e.g. court opinions and statutes) may be used in your research paper. Law reviews and most academic journal articles count as scholarly sources. Law reviews can be found in Lexis- Nexis and Westlaw, both of which are available on the library home page.
Your paper should also include a title page and works cited page in APA style. All work of an author must be cited, even if paraphrased in your own words. All citations must be done in APA style