This assignment is a follow-up to this PowerPoint post- https://www.sweetstudy.com/questions/mhi-815-informatics-for-advanced-practice-20700149 (ATTACHED).
· Be sure to include citations in your response – course or outside materials may be used.
In 600 words
1. Provide a brief summary of your project and the integration of technology. Please include at least one in-text citation in your summary.
2. Share the vision of your project and the integration of your chosen technology.
3. Identify how you might minimize barriers and maximize the outcomes of your project
4. Include outside references (textbook or peer reviewed literature) in your response.
McBride and Tietze (2022)
∙ Chapter 11: EHR and Health Information Exchanges
∙ Chapter 13: Public Health Data
∙ Chapter 22: National Prevention Strategy, Population Health, and Health Information Technology
Additional resources
∙ Bachynsky, N. (2020). Implications for policy: The triple aim, quadruple aim, and interprofessional collaboration. ATTACHED
∙ Colicchio, T., Cimino, J., & Del Fiol, G. (2019). Unintended consequences of nationwide electronic health record adoption: challenges and opportunities in the post-meaningful use era Available at https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.northernkentuckyuniversity.idm.oclc.org/31162125/