The Development of Nursing Knowledge is an Ongoing Process
Over the years Nursing grand theories have been key for the development of nursing practice, helping nurses to improve their own practice and research. In addition, grand nursing theories had been helping nurses and other health care providers to better understand and convey complicated ideas and concepts, which provided a guide for a better clinical decision-making throughout the years. Lately, nursing g grand theories, may not be as relevant as they once were in today’s practice and research, being the recent computerization of healthcare industry one of the factors that makes them slightly obsolete. Patients’ unique needs are not adequately addressed by big nursing ideas. They also claim that big theories of nursing aren’t backed up by research and aren’t founded on facts. There is validity to all sides of the debate. Understanding human behavior and relationships may be aided by grand nursing ideas.
An example of a grand nursing theory is Orem’s Self-care Deficit Theory of Nursing. It is made up of three theories, theory of nursing systems, theory of self-care deficit and theory of self-care (Orem, 1994). The theory of self-care deficit when used in clinical practice can be used to identify the self-care requirements of the patient from various aspects. This assists in giving care in a full approach. The use of this theory in clinical practice facilitates better health care. Orem applied this theory to patient and it revealed how well educative, supportive and partly compensatory system could be used for solving the problems in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (Orem, 1994). However in our daily clinical practice the self-care deficit can be affected by factors like burnout syndrome due understaffing, patients belief about what self-care should be like based on their culture and beliefs.
This week student learning outcome was
how the nursing grand theories were key for the development of nursing practice and how he can still use them as a reference.
Fawcett, J. (1993). Analysis and evaluation of nursing theories. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
Wills M.Evelyn, McEwen Melanie (2002). Theoretical Basis for Nursing Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams& wilkins.