Chapter 11 Assignment (35 points)
Computational Problems and Exercises p. 320 #49 (Rambler Manufacturing produces three…). You must show calculations for b to receive any credit.
1. For each clutch plate process: (12 points)
a. Where is the bottleneck workstation? Explain this in units per 8-hour shift.
b. What would you expect to see if you visited the process?
c. Cite one TOC principle for each clutch plate from Exhibit 11.23 in the text that explains your answer.
2. What is the total revenue and contribution to profit and overhead per hour for each clutch plate applying the TOC logic to the problem? Use a table similar to the one found in Exhibit 11.25 (pp. 312-313) to display your information. (18 points)
3. If you could recommend one, and only one, process improvement, what would it be? Be specific and support your response with quantitative information. (5 points)