Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides*, plus a title slide, introduction slide(s) detailing the presentation agenda, and a reference(s) slide for a total of at least 13 slides and no more than 15 slides. *Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the presentation slides in formulating the narrative portion of their presentation to minimize lengthy wording on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the presentation portion of the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section. A minimum of 100 words in the Notes Section for each content slide (including citations) is required for full credit for this assignment.
You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites).