The story of class action law suits is often the story of everyday people taking on large businesses and corporations in court, in the hope of correcting a
perceived injustice. In this essay your purpose is to investigate these law suits and write an overview of three of the more common and familiar types,
including employment discrimination, product liability, and competitive sports. You will also want to discuss–
1. What is a “class action”
2. What are employment discrimination, product liability, and competitive sports lawsuits
3. What kinds of problems are the law suits typically used to correct
4. What patterns or trends do you notice
To assist you in the writing project, there is a set of 8 magazine articles that you must read and include in your essay. You may do additional research, though
it is not required. The articles are in a document called “Readings on Class Action Lawsuits for Essay.
You have 8 sources that you must include in your essay. The 8 sources are meant to give you the information about class action lawsuits. For each of the 8
sources, you must write a short summary
When you write from sources you should select important information as you read, carefully paraphrase the author’s words into your own words, and use
brief and accurate quotations so that you don’t plagiarize the author. Also you must come up with your own organization. A key word in the assignment
above is “trends,” so you might use the classification approach to organize the essay.
For each quotation in your essay, you must tell your reader its source with a footnote or a note in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. You do not need to
do a list of Works Cited at the end of this essay.