New request:
1) Expand the literal review
– 20 articles total with the previous articles from old order has to be (2019 and above)
– Table for all the articles Should have and a matrix (sample attached):
(research topic, research problem, what was the solution, and what is the used methodology)
– try to find articles about frameworks, don’t choose any article that has system implementation
– Try to Focus on their solutions, it is better to have a “qualitative solution ( survey)”
– literature review structure to be: sections and subsections including topics, each topic can have more than one ref.
2) compare our methodology with the researches methodology, I have attached our research and the methodology used.
– What is the methodology we will use?
And which article is more similar to our scope?
what is the difference between our methodology and the articles that are close to ours?
all used resources are added in the document references you can check the resources from there
need to be authentic not plagiarized