What is UDL (universal design for learning)?Give ONE specific example of how you could use EACH of the principles in your classroom (a total of 3
examples, one for each principle). Use some general information and then how you use it, or would use it, in your classroom or how it affects your students.
What type of materials are used?
What are some Forms of student participation?
what are some Intrustructional delivery?
kind of assessment?
•A series of proactive curriculum design structures that accommodate a wide range of student abilities and learning preferences
•Principle One: Multiple Means of Representation
–Guideline 1: Provide options for perception.
–Guideline 2: Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols.
–Guideline 3: Provide options for comprehension
•Principle Two: Multiple Means of Action and Expression
–Guideline 4: Provide options for physical action.
–Guideline 5: Provide options for expression and communication.
–Guideline 6: Provide options for executive functions.
•Principle Three: Multiple Means of Engagement
–Guideline 7: Provide options for recruiting interest.
–Guideline 8: Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence.
–Guideline 9: Provide options for self-regulation.