The capstone is a project which pulls everything you have learned in the MSN program into a scholarly project focused in addressing gaps in knowledge, information, research, practice, and/or healthcare policy. You should use elements learned during the MSN program such as theoretical frameworks, evidence-based research, advanced nursing practice, and program planning to create a capstone project which promotes improved outcomes for a population or aggregate of patients. Finally, you will use critical thinking to analyze and evaluate the project you implemented to determine new opportunities for the future.
Successful capstone projects incorporate change which positively impacts health outcomes. Projects should be designed so the problem is adequately defined and supported with research. Planning should clearly outline the process for implementation of the project and evaluation of the project outcomes. Finally a determination should be made regarding whether or not the project had an impact on nursing practice and patient outcome.
The project should be developed using an evidence-based process which:
1. Identifies a gap in knowledge
There is a discrepancy between what is known and what needs to be known.
A knowledge gap is typically related to expertise, skills, and know-how and the resolution is usually education/training.
Ex. Low health literacy is a predictor of poor health outcomes. Healthcare providers need to develop skills to successfully perform the health literacy evaluations. Therefore an educational session teaching healthcare providers how to perform health literacy assessments would be an appropriate educational project. (Education)
2. Identifies a gap in information
There is missing or insufficient information available to reach a conclusion or decision. A gap in research results in a limited ability for decision-makers
(policy-makers, patients, healthcare providers) in making decisions
Systematic reviews on the health care issue is a good place to identify gaps
Research study is useful to collect information which describes, explains, and/or predicts the problem as well as develop the solution.
Ex. When reading about health literacy several studies identified that nurses may not have good knowledge about health literacy and more research is needed. Therefore to help address this information gap, a study could be done to determine the level of knowledge about health literacy in FNP nursing students. (Research)
3. Identifies a gap in clinical practice
There is a discrepancy between knowledge and clinical performance which results in variations in how care is delivered to a patient or group of patients.
Resolution is focused on decreasing variation in practice by standardizing practice though written protocols
Development of clinical practice protocols provide detailed written instructions for analyzing and managing a disease or symptom. They provide foundations for decision-making by identifying best practices which promote good patient outcomes (effective care), safer care, and cost-efficient care
Ex. Healthcare providers in Primary Care XYZ are aware that 9 out of 10 patients have low health literacy but do not routinely screen their patients for low health literacy. The FNP develops a protocol for screening, evaluation, and treatment of patients with low health literacy (Protocol capstone)
4. Identifies gap in health policy
Health policy encompasses the creation and implementation of laws, rules, and regulations for managing healthcare systems which provide services to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness and injury.
This includes determining how services are organized, financed / reimbursed, and delivered /accessed.
The goal of healthcare policy is to improve the quality of healthcare in communities
Ex. Healthcare providers in Primary Care XYZ notice that many of their patients who are Spanish-speaking have low compliance with taking their medication correctly. Upon further review, the FNP realizes the medication bottles are labeled in English and not Spanish. The FNP calls the pharmacy where the medications were filled and is informed by the pharmacists that their medication labeling program is set-up to print in 25 different languages including Spanish. The FNP shares this information with the other providers in the practice and it is agreed they will add a designation on the prescription pad for the provider to mark if the patient needs their prescription label in Spanish instead of English.
Ex. An FNP works in a clinic which provides care to uninsured clients. Many of them can
not afford their medications and need assistance with applying to the various pharmaceutical companies for their patient assistance programs. It is just too much work for the office staff to take on in addition to processing patients through their visits on a daily basis. The FNP presents this problem to leadership and the decision is made to hire a social worker who can help patients with the application process. The outcome is a 50% increase in medication compliance and a 25% improved in HgbA1c for the diabetic patients in the practice.
Other Examples of MSN capstone projects:
1. Educational capstones:
a. Educational intervention to promote smoke cessation for homeless living in shelters
b. Educational intervention to prevent obesity in preschool children
c. Educational intervention to increase Palliative Care referrals in Primary Care
d. Educational intervention to increase knowledge of health literacy in Primary Care
2. Research capstones
a. What are barriers to smoke cessation identified by homeless women with COPD?
b. Childhood obesity: Do parents recognize this health risk?
c. Nurse Practitioners: What is their level of knowledge regarding palliative care?
d. Do Advanced practice nurses assess their patients for low health literacy?
3. Protocol capstones
a. Protocol for nicotine replacement therapy in pregnant women desiring smoke cessation
b. Protocol for management and treatment of preschool-aged children with obesity
c. Protocol for palliative care referral for patients with heart failure
d. Protocol development for screening patients for low health literacy
4. Policy capstones
a. Implementation of advocacy program in middle-schools to reduce smoking among teenagers
b. Develop public campaign to disseminate information on physical activity recommendations for preschool children
c. Advocate to expand palliative care tele-health access to patients living with serious illnesses
d. Implement policy ensuring proper labeling of medications prescribed to those where English is is a second language.
Rubric: Background and Introduction
Project Topic is clearly identified and defined /5
Project Type is clearly identified (This statement may go at the end of the section, depending on writing style) /5
Statement of the Problem/Introduction to Topic including background, incidence/prevalence, burden of disease. Avoid opinions. Cite supporting evidence as appropriate. Draw from several resources. /40
Significance of topic in healthcare or APRN practice /25
Follow APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Title page conforms to South University College of Nursing standards. /10
Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verbs. /15
(10% of course grade) /100
Identifying and defining the healthcare issue
The first step in writing the introduction/background section is to decide on a health care issue which is important to you. Use the six domains of Quality defined by the IOM to help you decide if the project would be a good choice for the capstone:
1. Safe patient care (avoiding injuries to patients)
2. Effective care (providing care based on scientific knowledge)
3. Patient centered care (patient is included in decision-making)
4. Timely care (timely communication with patient, timely completion of care)
5. Efficient care (avoids wasting time, money, and resources)
6. Equitable care (care is delivered without bias to race, ethnicity, ability to pay, income or gender)
Research the literature to find out more about the health care issue. What is known about the issue? What needs to be known about the issue? What are the gaps that exist (can relate this to the 6 domains above).
Writing the Introduction and Background Section
After reading the literature and deciding on a healthcare issue, the next step is to write the introduction which introduces your health care issue and explains why this problem is important to address. Use the information found in your literature search to introduce the healthcare issue and define the target population. This section should engage the interest of the audience in your topic and the length is approximately 1 to 2 paragraphs
This section then progresses to the background which provides information to justify why you need to address the healthcare issue. Discuss what is already known about the health care issue (key definitions, incidence, prevalence, burden of disease). AVOID elaboration on details as you should save this for the literature review section.
Use this information to identify the gaps that need be addressed. Identify why it is important for an advanced practice nurse to address this healthcare issue.
End the Introduction/Background section with a short paragraph describing the type of capstone project you will be completing (educational project, research study, protocol development, or health policy action) and how it will health to address the health care issue.
Rubric: Needs Assessment
Identifies the gap in knowledge/research/practice/policy requiring action /15
Identifies the potential impact of the gap in health care. / 10
Identifies the key stakeholders and decision-makers for implementation of the project. Seeks their input into project development. / 25
Clearly identifies how you are going to address the gap in knowledge/research/practice/policy / 25
Follows APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Conforms to South University College of Nursing standards.
Writing is scholarly with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of course grade) /100
Needs assessment: a systematic process for gathering information to identify gaps that exists between the current state and future state.
Gap analysis: a study of the gap between current state and future state for the purpose of determining what needs to be done to address improve it.
For your capstone project, the gap will likely be a need for knowledge (education), information (research), practice (protocol), or policy. The introduction and background section should have helped you identified the gaps which exists.
Start this section by identifying the gaps identified about the health care issue. Discuss the potential impact of the gap in healthcare if it were to continue to exist.
Identify the stakeholders and decision-makers that will be impacted by the project or who have an interest in the project outcome or who will be affected by the project. This could be patients, healthcare providers, employers, payers/insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, government/regulatory agencies, and the community. Collect their input into the project (interviews, surveys, focus groups, quality data).
Do they agree there is a gap?
What do they think is the root cause for the gap?
What do they propose as a solution to decrease the gap?
Finally, using the information you have gathered, identify how you are going to address the gap which exists. Discuss the type of capstone project you have selected and your plan for implementation.
Rubric: IRB Application for Research Study or Education Project
IRB Application is completed
• Complete application with signatures
• Introduction,
• Human Subjects Protection Training Certificates (NIH, CITI, or ACRP)
• Recruitment Materials (fliers, emails, announcements, etc)
• Data Collection Instruments (surveys, inventories, tests, etc)
• Interventions / Educational materials (PPT, Handouts, etc)
• Informed Consent Documents
• Approval from Study /Recruitment Sites (if applicable)
• Medical Screening Instrument (if applicable)
• Debriefing Plan (if applicable)
• Funding Documentation (if applicable_ Pass/Fail
Student makes modifications/revisions as needed per IRB feedback Pass/Fail
The Institutional Review Board is a group formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. IRB’s are administered on the federal level by the Office for Human Research Protections which is an office within the Department of Health and Human Services.
The purpose of the IRB application is to assure appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in research. This is accomplished by requiring the researcher to submit an IRB application with detailed information about the project. The IRB members review all materials submitted to determine if the research participants are adequately protected and that the risk to the participants is justified.
Timing of the application is critical as many IRBs only meet once or twice a month.
Steps for completing the IRB process
1. Determine if your project requires IRB approval
2. Complete mandatory online verification for researchers.
3. Complete the IRB application
4. Prepare informed consent documents
5. Submit the IRB application to the IRB chair
6. Make adjustments as necessitated by the IRB until project is approved
7. Report changes and review authorization annually if needed
8. Submit a Close-Out form
Next page…. How do I know if an IRB application is needed for my project?
How do I know if an IRB application is needed for my project?
a. You are collecting information from a living individual as part of your study
b. You are completing an intervention on a living individual as part of your study
c. You are interacting with a living individual as part of your study
d. You are collecting/reviewing/using identifiable private information
e. You are using existing data which is not public (government/private data bases) AND
the existing data has not previously received IRB approval
f. You are using children and/or adolescents as subjects in the study
g. You are planning on publishing or presenting your data from projects using human subjects
h. You are planning on using human subject research data in a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation
Ex. Asking individuals to complete questionnaires, participate in interviews
Asking individuals to have their behavior observed
Completing oral history interviews whose subjective perceptions are studied
Observing students and teachers in the classroom
IRB approval is likely not needed if:
a. existing data is used and the source of the data is public (libraries, newspapers)
AND analysis of the data will not make the data individually identifiable
Rubric: Theoretical Framework
Identify the Theoretical framework that supports or guides your Project /5
Provide a description and overview of the theory, including the guiding propositions /40
Discuss how the theory relates to or applies to your Project, including concepts within your project, interventions, and/or outcomes /40
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of course grade) /100
The theoretical framework provides the blueprint for your capstone project. Theories help to explain and predict phenomena which are defined as relationships, events, and/or behavior. The theoretical framework provides the foundation for predicting relationships among variables in your capstone project and provides direction in determining what the advanced practice nurse needs to do to improve health.
The theoretical framework may be drawn from nursing, psychology, or other disciplines. For Educational projects, in addition to a practice theory, include an educational theory on which you will base your educational intervention.
Example – Betty Neumann’s System Model.
Neumann’s theory focuses on wellness of the whole client system in relation to environmental stressors and how the person reacts to stressors. The goal of nursing is to promote wellness by maintaining client system stability. Prevention of client system instability is the result of interventions which strengthen the 3 lines of defense. These interventions are defined as:
1. primary interventions (maintain wellness by preventing risk for injury or disease),
2. secondary interventions (detect disease at earliest stages through regular exams/ screenings and halt/slow its progress) and
3. tertiary interventions (return the client to wellness by reducing disability, preventing complications, and restoring function) interventions which strengthen the lines of
Nursing theories: Need-based theories (Orem, Henderson)
Interaction theories (King, Orlando, Travelbee, B. Neuman)
Outcome theories (Levine, Rogers, Roy, )
Environmental theories (Nightingale
Interpersonal relations theories (Peplau, Hall, Watson, Pender)
Change theories: Lewin’s Change theory Lippitt’s Seven-step Change theory
Roger’s Five-Stage Change theory Kotter’s theory of change Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) FADE
TeamSTEPPS Social Change Theory
Education theories: Cognitive theory Behavioral theory Social Learning theory
Constructivism theory Humanism theory
Rubric: Review of Literature & Synthesis of Evidence
Conduct a review of the literature, identifying the databases used to locate recent research articles and key search words. A minimum of 3 databases is recommended to gather the relevant articles. Begin this section with an appropriate heading. Opening statement should reflect the steps you took. /5
A minimum of 15 research articles; 5 of which must be within the past 5 years /5
Record the research articles and information in the Synthesis (Evidence) Table. Attach the Synthesis Table as Appendix A /25
Provide a synthesis of the findings from the research articles, identifying similarities in findings and what was dissimilar or contradictory. Do not provide a paragraph of each article (this will result in substantial loss of points). Instead, synthesize and summarize. /50
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(10% of course grade) /100
The Review of Literature (ROL) is a survey of research studies on a specific topic and its purpose is to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge about the topic. It should build upon the information discussed in the introduction/background section and provide evidence for why the healthcare issue needs to be addressed. You should critically evaluate the information and identify similarities and differences among the studies. The ROL helps to form the rationale for the capstone project. Sources should be primary (original research studies) or secondary (systematic reviews, meta-analysis).
Primary research: this article is a report on a research study by the authors who conducted the
research. These articles represent original thinking
It should be published in a peer-reviewed journal
Subtitles in the article would be research question, research method, results
Ex. Research articles, clinical report, case studies, dissertations, government documents
Secondary research: This article is a summary or discussion about a study by someone who did not participate in the event. They represent analysis, synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of primary sources
It should also be in a peer-review journal
Ex. Literature review, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, chapters in a book, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopaedias,
Peer-reviewed: this indicates the article has been reviewed by others who are experts in the same field (peers) and determined to reflect quality research and importance.
Suggested Databases: CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ERIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SAGE, OVID, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Sigma Respository, Nursing Reference Center Plus,
Keyword search: these are the words you enter into the database search box. These words represent the main concepts of your project and/or synonyms/antonyms that could be used to describe the topic. If you are not using the right key words, you may have difficulty finding the articles you need.
Topic example: What is the relationship between test performance and retention of nursing students?
Key words: test performance, retention, nursing students
Synonyms: tests, exams, test-taking skill, test anxiety, academic achievement, test preparation
Antonyms: nursing school dropouts, nursing school attrition, nursing school graduation
Tips for searching:: databases search for the exact words you enter. Do not use too many
Spell out abbreviations
Avoid relationship words (compare, contrast, correlation, causation, relationship)
Avoid judgement words (best, worst, pro, con, advantages, disadvantages)
You may read as many as a 100 articles to find the few (at least 15) you will include in the review of literature. As you read the articles, take notes that you can incorporate into your ROL. Keep track of sources with citations.
Questions to consider when analyzing the source:
1. what is the question addressed in this study
2. what are the key concepts addressed in this study
3. what are the key methods used in the study
4. what are the results and conclusions
5. How does this study relate to other studies on the same topic
6. What are the key insights and arguments
7. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study
The first paragraph of the ROL should introduce and describe the method for completing the literature search. It should identify at least three different databases used to search the literature and keywords used in the search. Discuss how you narrowed your search (articles in English only, certain population or age range of participants, etc) At least 5 of the articles should be recent in the past 5 years. Document the total number of articles reviewed and how many of them were pertinent to your topic (must have a minimum of 15). Finally identify how you organized the articles into themes/topics which will be the subheadings of your literature review.
Organizing your articles into themes/topics. Look for connections and/or relationships between your sources. This may include:
1. Trends and patterns
2. Themes/Topic/Issue (questions or concepts that recur across the literature)
3. Conflicts/arguments (do the sources disagree with each other)
4. Gaps (what is missing from the literature; what are weakness that need to be addressed)
5. Time periods
The remainder of the ROL section will be structure around these main topics which are 2nd level headings under the ROL section. DO NOT write a paragraph on each study. Instead, the first line of the paragraph should introduce the topic to be explored with the literature. The remainder of the paragraph(s) should be sent synthesizing articles on the topic for discussion.
Tips for synthesizing articles in the literature review include:
1. Analyze the article in terms of importance to your own project or research question
2. Compare and contrast issues as they relate to themes in your own topic
3. Identify difference and similarities and integrate them into you literature review
Example of Synthesizing:
Vitamin supplements have been shown to be helpful in the prevention and treatment of the common cold virus. Peter (2014) states that Vitamin C is most effective in the prevention of the common cold. Paul (2018) adds to this recommendation and suggest that Vitamin C in conjunction with oral doses of zinc are the most effective method of common cold prevention. Jack & Jill (2021) argue that Vitamin C is only useful in the prevention of the common cold but not the treatment. Their study also shows that Echinacea is possibly more effective in treatment than prevention.
The topic of this paragraph is the prevention and treatment of the common cold. The paragraph shows how studies relate to others (agree, disagree) as well as demonstrates similarities and differences about therapies used to treat the common cold.
Example of Synthesizing:
Health literacy is an important predictor of health outcomes. According to the US Department of Human and Health Services (2014) patients with low health literacy are less likely to use preventive health services, more likely to experience poor disease-specific outcomes, and experience higher risk of hospitalization and mortality. Peter et al. (2019) agreed with these findings and stated a person’s level of health literacy is a stronger predictor of health outcomes than social status, economic status, education, gender, and age. Findings by Redd et al. (2021) indicated that there is a clear correlation between low health literacy measured by reading fluency and increased mortality rates. Therefore, it is likely that patients with low health literacy struggles with challenges related to obtaining, processing, and understanding information needed to make good health decisions (Purple & Blue, 2019). Therefore by improving health literacy, it is reasonable to believe that health outcomes can also be improved.
The topic of this paragraph is health literacy as a predictor of health outcomes. The paragraph shows how studies relate to others (agree/disagree) and demonstrates relationships between outcomes such as mortality and decision making to low health literacy.
Example of Synthesizing:
Individuals with low health literacy are more likely to experience increased morbidity and mortality rates compared to their proficient health literacy counterparts (Bostock, 2012) . Inadequate health literacy was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular death among elderly persons (Baker et al., 2007; Sudore et al., 2006). The risk for death was 50 to 80 percent higher for those with inadequate literacy compared to those with adequate literacy (Baker et al., 2007). Several studies have also indicated that patients with low health literacy were more likely to have poorer physical and mental health status and lower scores in quality of life (Bautista & Wiudyk, 2009; Bostick, 2012; Sudore et al., 2006; Wolf & Baker, 2005).
The topic of this paragraph is comparing morbidity and mortality among groups with and without health literacy. The paragraph shows how studies relate to each other and demonstrates the impact health literacy has on mortality and quality of life.
Example of Synthesizing
Mandatory depression screening of pregnant and post-partum women is recommended by an increasing number of professional organization. Both ACOG (2018) and the US Preventive Services Task Force (2016) recommend screening for mood changes at least once during the prenatal period and 12 months postpartum. Postpartum Support International (2019) recommends expanding screening into the pediatric setting as well as provides a defined timeline for screening – first prenatal visit, once during each trimester, and postpartum at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. For the pediatric setting, it recommends screening mothers and/or fathers at the 3 month, 9 month, and 12 month pediatric visits. The American Medical Association (2015) supports screening at prenatal, postnatal, and pediatric visits as well as emergency room visits. The premise for all of these recommendations is the knowledge that more than 600,000 women experience postpartum depression and less than 15% of women with postpartum depression seek professional help (Peter, 2014; Paul, 2015, and Jack & Jill, 2018).
The topic of this paragraph is screening pregnant and postpartum women for depression. The paragraph shows how studies relate to others (agree/disagree) and demonstrates similarities and differences about setting and timing of screenings.
Completion of the Evidence Table
An Evidence Table is an excellent tool to document evidence from studies you have selected for your ROL. The table helps to identify similarities or differences in the studies as well as outcomes of the studies.
The articles should be arranged first by topic and .
1. Study: In this column report the topic of the study and the name of the author and year of study publication
2. Study Design In this column report the type of study and study design
Type of study: Quantitative: collect and analyze numerical data
Qualitative: collect and analyze non-numerical data
Study design:
Comparison groups: Descriptive – there was not a comparison group
Analytical – there were comparison groups
Exposures Experimental – were assigned exposures
Ex. Randomized, non-randomized, quasi-experimental)
Observational – were not assigned exposures
Ex. cohort, case-control, cross-sectional)
Cohort – prospective look at a group with a certain condition (or exposed to a risk) who are followed over time and compared to another group who are not affected by the condition. Observing for outcomes. Ex. Does smoking increase your risk of lung cancer?
Case-control – retrospective look at a group with a certain condition (outcome) and compare to a group with similar characteristics without the condition.
Observing for the risk factors (already know the outcome)
Ex. Does a chronic asthma increase the risk of lung cancer?
Cross sectional – looking for the relationship between an exposure and a health outcome within a specific population at a single point in time.
Ex. How many people in Savannah GA have lung cancer screenings?
Randomized controlled – studies which randomly assign people into groups to compare different treatments or other interventions
Double-blinded = neither the participants or researchers know who is in which group
Meta-analysis: a critical evaluation of a number of valid studies on a topic and mathematically combining the results to report the results as if it were one large study.
Systematic review: a critical evaluation of all research studies that address a particular clinical issue for the purpose of answering a specific question.
3. Method of Data Collection :In this column, report the method used to collect data.
If study is Quantitative:: Interview, questionnaires, surveys, observation, review of documents, focus groups, oral histories
Systematic reviews: Types of studies included in search
Outcome (PICO)
If study is Qualitative: ethnography (observe people in their environment),
grounded-theory (interviews, fieldwork),
phenomenology (collect reactions to occiurrences)
4. Sample In this column report the population and setting studied, the total number of participants in the study and the type of sampling method used
Systematic review: time frame for which studies were searched
Data bases searched
Type of studies included in the review.
Probability methods: simple random, systematic sample, stratified sampling, clustered sampling
Non-probability methods: convenience, quota, judgement, snowball,
5. Data Collection Tools: In this column, describe or name the tools used to collect and analyze the data collected in the study
Systematic review: how many relevant articles were identified
actual number of studies included
6. Findings In this column, describe the findings in this study which are pertinent to your health care issue
7. Limitations in this column, describe characteristics of design or methods that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings
Ex: sample size, lack of available data, lack of prior research on topic
Ex. The way the data was collected, the inclusion of self-reported data
Ex. Cultural bias
Rubric: Standards of Practice
Locate, identify, and describe a current standard of practice for your topic/area of interest (consider national guidelines, organizational standards, etc.) /45
Explore how the current standard(s) of practice relate to your project /40
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of course grade) /100
Standards of practice are general guidelines that provide a foundation as to what a healthcare provider should do in terms of providing care for any given condition. It includes clinical policy statements (scope of practice) and defines the standard for practice including evidence-based practice protocols. By using standards of practice, care provided to patients should be consistent regardless of setting and in accordance with what other reasonable prudent healthcare providers would do in the same or similar circumstances. The outcome of standards of practice is high quality care. If a healthcare provider does not follow the standard of practice, he/she may be found negligent if not following the standard caused harm to the patient.
In healthcare, these standards change as new methods and technology change. They are based on the most recent scientific data available. As a rule of thumb, standards of practice or practice guidelines should be updated every 3 years in order to be considered current.
Where to find standards of practice:
1. Professional organization website (a few are listed below)
a. American Colleges (Physicians, Rheumatology, Healthcare, etc)
b. American Academy (Dermatology, Pediatrics, Orthopaedisc Surgeons etc)
2. Professional Associations websites ( a few are listed below)
a. American Heart Association
b. American Lung Association
c. American Diabetes Association
d. American Cancer Society
e. American Urology Association
f. American Nurses Association
g. (American Association of Critical Care Nurses)
h. American Asosciation of Nurse Practitioners)
3. National Guideline Clearinghouse website
4. National Institute of Health and all subdivisions
a.Blood Diseases and Resources
b. Cardiovascular Sciences
c. Lung Diseases
5. United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF)
6. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
In the Standard of Care section of your project, identify a Standard of Practice that supports and directs your proposed approach to the health care issue. Include the author, when it was first published and if it has been revised. Describe the elements covered in the standard of practice as well as practice recommendations. If there are many standards of practice for your topic, compare the similarities and differences. Explore how the standard supports your target population and the capstone project.
Rubric: Formulate and Develop the Protocol
Describe the proposed protocol (introductory paragraph) /20
Address the first 9 items in the protocol template:
1. Name of clinical protocol
2. Introduction to protocol
3. Definition of disease process/ clinical issue addressed in the protocol
4. Key points the protocol addresses
5. Screening
6. Diagnosis (including diagnostic criteria)/
7. Treatment initiation / protocol. Include pharmacologic, non-pharmacologic
treatment, referrals, and potential dispositions
8. Special considerations (Ex. Pregnancy, immunocompromised, pediatrics)
9. References
Attach the protocol template as an Appendix B
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of the course grade) /100
Rubric: Implementation and Evaluation of Protocol Capstone
Develop and discuss the implementation. Present the protocol to the stakeholder for consideration. Identify implementation time frame, key stakeholders, resources needed, etc. /40
Consider organizational changes needed to implement the protocol
Develop plan for collecting and maintaining data to determine efficacy, propriety, and utility of the protocol /25
Identify outcome measures to evaluate effectiveness of the protocol.
Discuss the stakeholders evaluation of the protocol and submit stakeholder evaluation of protocol form as Appendix C /10
Follows APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in the 3rd person. Uses present verb tense /15
10% of the course grade Total / 100
Rubric: Formulate and Develop the Plan for the Policy Capstone
Identify what problem the policy addresses and the scope of the problem /5
Identify who will be affected by the policy implementation or change /10
Identify the history of the policy /30
Propose alternative solutions to the policy, including best practices or benchmarks (from the ROL), stakeholders & decision makers, approaches to consider within complex health system, collaboration needed with others, and other policy considerations (internal policies, payers, state or federal law or regulations) /40
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and references page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of the course grade) /100
Assignment Outline: Formulate and Develop the Plan section for the Policy Capstone
Identify potential solutions to the problem, including those that have been implemented elsewhere.
Compare and contrast one alternative solution with the current policy.
Identify criteria for decision making in adopting or rejecting the alternative solution. These may include: Benefit to the population
Cost/economics / Feasibility
Ethics and Legal/regulatory issues
Perspective of constituencies (provider, employers, Medicaid, community groups, politicians, board of directors of healthcare organizations)
Rubric: Implementation and Evaluation of Policy Capstone
Discuss Data Collection (where and how you are storing data)
Identify program or method for analyzing data
Begin with descriptive stats and move to inferential stats
Address the variables in your question or hypothesis
Follows APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in the 3rd person. Uses present verb tense /15
10% of the course grade Total /100
Rubric: Formulate and Develop the Plan for the Education Capstone
Develop the teaching plan: Purpose, Goal, Target Audience, Needs Assessment, Learner Objectives. Explain what will be taught, why this is the target audience, and what you plan to accomplish. /30
Complete the Teaching Plan Table and attach as Appendix C /5
Correctly identify a minimum of 1 attainable & measureable objective in each of the Bloom’s taxonomy domains (cognitive/knowledge; psychomotor/skills; affective/attitude) /20
Identify instructional strategies and how they are used in the project. (How you will teach to accomplish your objectives) /30
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of the course grade) /100
Assignment Outline: Formulate and Develop the Plan section for the Educational Capstone
Summarize the educational session, identifying location of presentation, demographics
Of participants, and how the education was conducted
Evaluate the effectiveness of the education
Include a summary of pre- and post-test scores if applicable, and summary of the educational session evaluations.
Rubric: Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Capstone
Summarize how many attended the educational offering, including any relevant demographics. Describe where the event took place, and what you did. (Expected length: 1 – 2 pages) /85
Follows APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in the 3rd person. Uses present verb tense /15
10 % of the course grade Total /100
Rubric: Formulate and Develop the Plan for the Research Capstone
Explicate the research study from the IRB application, including research design /50
Identify sampling design, recruitment of subjects, inclusion/exclusion criteria /15
Describe methodology, data collection tools /15
Include consent forms, recruitment flyers, instruments as appendices /5
Follow APA 7th edition format for headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in 3rd person. Uses present tense verb /15
(5% of the course grade) /100
Assignment Outline: Formulate and Develop the Plan section for the Research Capstone
Describe procedures and processes used in formalizing the research study.
Describe data collection and analysis.
Summarize significance of findings and implications for practice.
Rubric: Implementation and Evaluation of Research Capstone
Discuss data collection, including how you are compiling the data, (transcription services if qualitative), where and how you are storing subject data /35
Identify statistical program (quantitative) or method (qualitative) used to analyze data /10
Discuss your sample statistics and address the variables in your question or hypothesis /40
Follows APA 7th edition format including headings, citations, and reference page. Scholarly writing with correct grammar and punctuation. Writes in the 3rd person. Uses present verb tense /15
5% of the course grade Total /100
Rubric: Capstone Project Poster & Dissemination
Criteria Best Better Good Poor Total
Title w/ SU logo
Theoretical Framework
Project Implementation
Project Plan Title/Author/Logo;
Presents main points of project in well-organized manner;
Information flows from 1 section to next in logical sequence Title/Author/Logo;
Adequately presents main points of project in a fairly well organized manner Title/Author/Logo;
Presents main points of project, but not as sufficiently or as well organized, making it difficult to follow Poor graphics
Poor readability
Disorganized 25 / 20 / 15 / 10
Title font: 72-120
Subtitle: 48-80
Headers: 36-72
Body text: 24-48
Left justify Overall layout is visually appealing
Not cluttered; colors, pictures/ graphics enhance readability;
Headings/Font size are consistent and facilitate organization, presentation, and readability
Viewer can understand graphics and text without narration Overall layout is visually appealing;
Not cluttered; colors support readability;
Adequate use of Headings and Font size to facilitate the organization, presentation and readability;
Graphics/pictures are used and adequately present information Visual appeal is adequate, but maybe somewhat cluttered.
Colors, pictures, and/or graphics detract from readability
Headings/Font sizes are not consistent or may be distracting
Graphics may or may not enhance the text
Arrangement of content may not adequately assist the viewer in understanding the order without narration Poor graphics
Poor readability
Disorganized 25 / 20 / 15 / 10
Documentation Text is in author’s own words;
APA citation is accurate Text is in author’s own words;
APA citation is accurate Most of text is in author’s own words;
Citation style may be incorrect or inconsistent Text is copied with evidence of plagarism or academic irregularity 25 / 20 / 15 / 10
Spelling & Grammar/
Mechanics No errors;
Followed 36 X 48 inch poster size No more than 1 or 2 errors;
Followed 36 X 48 inch poster size 3 or more errors in spelling or grammar;
Did not follow 36 X 48 in poster size Many errors in spelling, not following APA formatting 25 / 20 / 15 / 10
20% of course grade Total /100
Assignment Outline for Poster Creation and Presentation section:
Create a poster using the guidelines and template provided in the course.
Present your poster
Posters provide a way to present Capstone Projects to an audience. An effective poster conveys your key information through text and illustrations, graphs, and charts. Bullet points are your friend!
As you approach your Poster Design, consider the main message you want to convey. The content of each poster will vary depending on the purpose and topic of your Capstone Project.
The message of your poster needs to be clear and understandable—and readable from about 10 feet away. The “sweet spot” in a poster—that is, the area where the eye is initially drawn to–is the upper center, then over a bit to the middle right of the center (last column). The sweet spot is the area where a graphic illustration of your project has great impact (picture, chart, etc.).
You can look at other students’ published capstone posters online to give yourself some ideas of what you like and don’t like in your poster.
Assignment Outline for Final Manuscript section:
Same rubrics as previous outlined
35% of course grade