Please use chapter 5 in the textbook and the uploaded “Hilo OPTS” uploaded document to answer the questions below. Thank you
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Cloud/network computing is now ubiquitous. Questions of stability, access and security have generally faded, and “the cloud” is now how contemporary
business does business. There is much personal and business flexibility afforded by web standards (HTML, for one) and the ability to create public, private
and hybrid clouds. We can pretty easily create in-house cloud environments inside the business technology infrastructure, and have public/client/customer
cloud access across the greater Internet/Web.
That said, cautions still apply to business process and planning decisions: due diligence, connecting with other users of similar technologies, investigating
the history (intrusions, downtime) of providers.
1. What are the components and considerations comprising due diligence when considering moving parts of your business to a cloud environment? List a
2. Explain how Hilo OPTS will be able to use cloud solutions to resolve their issues?
3. What else does Chapter 5 offer Hilo OPTS?