This Unit is made up of two elements:
• Dissertation: (6,000 words): Written thesis with full academic referencing and bibliography.
• Precedent Report: (1500-2000 words): Illustrated academic submission with full academic referencing and bibliography. For the written dissertation (6,000 words) you will develop a topic of your own choice, carry out appropriate research and include full academic referencing and bibliography. The topic, which will have been agreed with a supervisor, will explore an area of particular relevance to your own personal interests and the discipline of Interior and Spatial Design. A draft of the dissertation is submitted for tutorial comment in the first term of Year 3, after which the final version is written. For the Precedent Report, you will analyse a project in the area of art or design that informs your own design practice. You will provide a full textual and visual analysis of the works and supply detailed evidence of how it influences your practice. The Precedent Report should take the form of an illustrated academic submission of 1,500-2,000 words, and should be fully referenced and captioned.
Brief Description/Specification of Task In this unit you will be required to complete the following: Element 1 (75% of unit grade) • Dissertation (6,000 words) with full academic referencing and bibliography. Element 2 (25% of unit grade) • A Precedent Report (1,500-2,000) words. Indicative Content • Workshops on research methodology. • Artists/designers/architects talks and interviews. • Seminar workshops for generating and disseminating research topics. You should acknowledge anyone else’s ideas that you use in your Thesis and Precedent Report by quoting the source of information. All references must be properly acknowledged using Harvard conventions. Learning Outcomes and Marking Criteria On successful completion of this unit you will be able to: • Demonstrate critical understanding of historical and contemporary debates within interior and spatial design based on a coherent and detailed analysis of key aspects of practice and theory (analysis, subject knowledge). • Carry out sustained, systematic critical/practical research, using relevant resources and appropriate methods of analysis, enquiry and experimentation, and demonstrating the distinction between your ideas and those of others (research, analysis, experimentation). • Apply appropriate processes, skills and methods to realise your ideas and consolidate your critical position in a coherent body of work, acknowledging your sources through accurate referencing (technical competence). • Use effective communication and presentation skills appropriate to theoretical and practical outcomes in order to articulate complex ideas and arguments convincingly and clearly (communication and presentation).