• Analyse the practice of organisational change methodology by discussion of the differences
between the soft and hard systems models of change.
• Analyse how these models might work by exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the theories presented.
• Critically analyse the factors that should be taken into account when considering hard systems approaches to change.
• It is important to draw a parallel between the theory and practice and use appropriate
references for the facts given through application of the APA 6th Ed Referencing system.
General Conditions*****
Word count and presentation: not exceeding 4,000 words (excluding references). The essay should be divided in two parts, separating your response to Part One and Part Two. Each part should provide an introduction, a main section (with sub-sections) a conclusion and a reference list. If using tables/images provide labels and sources.
▪ Establishing key issues/areas raised by the question
▪ Defining fundamental terms
▪ Describing contextual information e.g. background to topic and its significance and/or interesting statistical data
▪ Identifying, explaining in detail and cross-comparing relevant concepts, models and theoretical approaches
▪ Applying concepts to contemporary issues within business settings
▪ Applying models/theories to workplace/organisation/industry examples and/or evaluating the practical application of models/theories
▪ Drawing parallels between theory and practice
▪ Evaluating relative merits and drawbacks of opposing academic viewpoints with a view to building independent opinions
▪ Formulating balanced, persuasive independent arguments based on academic evidence and judgement
▪ Stating a clear, overall answer to the question