The purpose of the discussion board is to form your own opinions about subjects in the articles and discuss them with your classmates.
Each student must post three times with one initial post responding to the question(s) asked, and two post responding to your classmates.
Please use evidence from the text and your own experience in order to support your argument and statements. Initial posts should be no shorter than 150 words.
Do not simply agree with someone else’s statement, rephrase someone else’s statement, or comment on the quality of someone else’s statement. Each post should say something different (please do not say the same thing in each of your posts, the purpose of these posts is to have academic discussions.)
Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.
In your own words explain the term glocalization. How are fandoms a form of glocalization? Give examples.
What are the positive and negative aspects of internationalizing cosplay conventions and competitions? Do you think they should be internationalized or remain local? Why?
Do you have any experience with fan culture? Explain?
Which convention would you prefer to attend and why?