With the person next to you, classify the following expenditures into the components of
Australia’s GDP (C + I + G + NX). Also, give an indication of whether it is a positive (+) or
negative (-) expenditure.
a) Aaron’s Accounting in Adelaide buys an Australian-made solar panel.
b) Mei in Melbourne buys an Australian-made solar panel.
c) The Australian Federal Treasury buys an Australian-made solar panel.
d) Kavita in Karachi of Pakistan buys an Australian-made solar panel.
e) Bob in Brisbane pays for a haircut
f) Percy’s Panels in Perth manufactures a solar panel but does not sell it
g) Percy’s Panels in Perth sells a circular saw it produced last year to Satoshi in Sydney
h) Clive in Brisbane buys shares of existing company Hancock Prospecting
i) Clive in Brisbane buys new shares in the new start-up company Digging Pty Ltd
j) Harrison in Hobart buys a new house from a property developer
k) Harrison in Hobart buys a house built in 1985 through his local real estate agent