Case Assignment 1: Targeting the Premium Dog Market: Cashing In On “Doggy” Love video case.
Write a one page case analysis essay. It should be 12 pt, single spaced with 1 inch margins. Type the title of the case and your name in the header of your paper. You will post it in the Dropbox on Blackboard no later than midnight on June 21st. Make sure you check your score on the ‘originality checker’ (you’ll see this on the Dropbox page where you upload your paper—it may take a few minutes). Your score must be below 30. Late papers will receive a 10% penalty per day. START WITH A BLANK PAGE AND DO YOUR OWN WORK!
The point of these case studies is to get you to use the terms and concepts from the book and recognize them in the ’real world.’ They are written and produced by people who are very familiar with the terms and concepts the chapters cover—so, the ideas from the book are imbedded in the cases. A good initial approach is to make notes about the terms and concepts you come across as you watch the video and then watch the case video again (maybe several times) and look for details about how those ideas relate to the firm and its management decisions. Don’t forget to include the terms and concepts from the book (hint, hint!)
Then, I suggest that you write a 3-6 page paper answering the questions. Condense it down to a single page (I won’t read more than 1 page). Remember, I will watch the video case—you don’t need to tell the company’s history. Just answer the questions as directly and as succinctly as possible in essay form Remember also, that you are to use only the information found in the case—don’t go dredging the web for everything ever written about this company.
When you are done, your paper should be dense with information about this company. If you start typing an hour before the deadline and stop when you reach the bottom of the page, you probably won’t have a paper that will generate the kind of grade you are likely to want. Also, keep in mind that this is to be an essay and not just a list of answers to my questions.
Address the following issues in essay form:
1. How do companies such as Complete Natural Nutrition convince buyers of premium dog products to purchase their line of dog treats? That is, what tools/messages/media (i.e. terms and concepts) did the company use to get buyers to choose their product over others
2. What are the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the people they target?
3. What distribution channel did this company employ? How does the company’s choice of distribution channels build credibility and awareness with buyers of its products?
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Just in case I’m being too subtle, I don’t want you to simply re-state the story told in the case. I want you to only write about how this company applied the marketing tools described in the terms and concepts used in the text book.