Directions/Prompts: Write a rhetorical analysis essay about culture/identity within “Witness Mami Roar” by Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez https://longreads.com/2019/12/27/witness-mami-roar/.
Expectations: This is an academic essay, which means I expect to see an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your paper should be well organized, logical, with a good flow and free of mechanical (spelling, capitalization, and punctuation) errors.
Preparation: Proceed through each of the five steps of the writing process: 1) generating ideas, 2) organizing ideas, 3) writing a first draft, 4) revising, and 5) proofreading.
Directions/Prompts: Write a rhetorical analysis essay about culture/identity within “Witness Mami Roar” by Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez https://longreads.com/2019/12/27/witness-mami-roar/.
You must include an introduction with a summary of the text and a thesis for your essay. Then, you must evaluate the text carefully and exactly based on rhetorical elements, such as diction (word choice); the rhetorical (Aristotle’s) appeals of pathos, logos, and ethos; a rhetorical model (e.g., classical, Toulmin, Pragma-Dialectics, etc.); fallacies; organizational patterns; etc.
You must refer to the primary text, and include specific, textual evidence from the primary text.
You must include appropriate MLA in-text citations and bibliographic entries on a Works Cited page for the resources you include in your essay. At the very least, the Works Cited page must include the primary text in the correct MLA (most recent (8th edition, 2016)) format.
Please remember that rhetorical analysis essays ONLY evaluate the rhetorical (literary and stylistic) elements of a text; therefore, you must refrain from agreeing or disagreeing with the point(s) of the text. Please focus only on how the writer wrote the text, not on your position on the issue(s).
Formatting Requirements: Use 12-point Times New Roman font; have 1-inch margins on all four sides; double-space; and document and format your work using the most recent (8th edition, 2016) MLA guidelines, including an MLA heading, page numbers on each page; and an original, relevant, interesting properly written title (not the one on the sample below) on the first page. See the samples below; the first one is a template for the first page, and the second is a sample of how it would look.
Organization: Write an appropriate, compelling title. Make sure your essay includes paragraphs with topic sentences that establish a context. Provide adequate details to develop the main idea. Your essay must be coherent and logically organized. Consider using sensible (which usually means chronological) pattern of organization, and make sure you write coherent and unified paragraphs. Begin your essay with an interesting, appropriate topic and an attention-grabbing, relevant introduction. As you end your essay, include a sentence/some sentences that creates/create a sense of closure/refocus(es) the reader’s attention on the main idea, and provide(s) additional insight for the main idea.
Plagiarism Detection: To ensure your compliance with the academic integrity and anti-plagiarism policies, your Turnitin.com Originality Report should be 20% or less.
*I am revising the rubric, but it will be in Turnitin.com.