Tell us about a gender rule that you thought was important to follow when you were a child and how that rule was enforced in your life.
Be sure to include information on how you think you learned about that gender rule (if you remember), how it impacted your life, when this gender rule was the strongest in your life (what age), and what did happen (or you thought would happen) when/if you broke this rule.
Tell us the extent to which you also lived by (or even knew about) that gender rule. If you did not follow that rule, or did not even know about that rule, explain why you think that was. (For example, may have to do with the geographic area you grew up in, or your religion, or your race, or your social class, or the type of school you went to, or the year you were born or your age, or the types of parents you had, or some other reason.)
If you DID follow the gender rule, explain what it was about your social position (see the list above) that may have made that gender rule especially pertinent.
As always, be respectful to other students in your responses, and do not rely on stereotypes. To the best of your ability, speak only of your own experiences, and don’t make assumptions about other students.