Learn about crime victim “Schala Vera” by putting that name into an Internet search engine. Do not simply settle for a 4 minute video or headlines, but rather spend some time really learning about the case. Schala was abused and murdered in the city of Chandler, AZ – I investigated the case. If you have any trouble locating information, please email me directly (sooner rather than later). Briefly summarize the case and some possible reasons why it occurred.
Schala’s mother, Susan Witbracht, was prosecuted in the case. Susan’s boyfriend, Dauntorian Sanders, was also prosecuted. Both cases were handled through the Maricopa County Superior Court. Go to the Court’s website and review the court minutes on the case as well as any media reports. Ask early in the week if you need help.
I suggest you use both the “case history” and “case minutes”. https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/Index.asp (Links to an external site.)
Know that the facts showed Dauntorian did the majority of the beating that killed Schala while Susan participated less. The state sought the death penalty on Dauntorinan – and on Susan, in part for her failure to protect Schala (review Arizona Revised Statues, felony murder law). Arizona felony murder law is described in ARS 13-1105. ARS = Arizona Revised Statutes.
Do you agree with both Susan and Dauntorian being prosecuted to the same degree? Is Susan a victim? (Court testimony alleged Dauntorian abused her physically, but there were no police reports ever filed). What can be done to break the cycle of a victim of one offense becoming an offender in another event? Should Susan’s alleged victimization be factored into her abusing her daughter?
The student will write a 2-3 page (double spaced and in APA format) response to how he/she would address the questions, or scenario provided. Two or more references supporting the logic of your decisions should be listed. Although every page is numbered, when 2-3 pages are required, that means you must have 2-3 pages of text. Your title page and reference page are in addition to those 2-3 pages. These studies are designed for the student to think critically beyond definitions and resources, and to consider how they are applied in the real world.