6 Peer – Reviewed articles must be sourced from social science journals such as “Health and Place” and “Social Science and Medicine”
• To conduct an academic literature search relevant to the field of health geography
• To conduct a literature review to determine the relevancy and credibility of sources
• To develop the skill of writing concise and relevant summaries of source materials
• To critically evaluate different perspectives related to a single health geography
An annotated bibliography is a critical review of a group of sources regarding a
particular topic. It expands on a regular bibliography by including short summaries of the
source by describing its key arguments/thesis, methods or approaches used and key
findings/conclusions. While the annotated bibliography goes into less detail than a full
abstract, it does give the reader a full sense of the article. Also, for this assignment you
will need to provide a short discussion (2-3 sentences) on the relevance of the article for
your topic and how each source may relate to the others compiled for the bibliography.
For this assignment the annotated bibliography should consist of:
• A focused, tentative topic statement at the beginning of the assignment. 1-2
sentences at most.
• Six (6) peer-reviewed, academic journal articles from outside of the course readings.
• Each annotation should include 1-2 sentences on how each source is relevant to
your topic or its usefulness for the paper.
• Articles should be less than 10 years old.
• Articles should be sourced from Social Science journals such as Health & Place and
Social Science & Medicine.
• You have a three (3) page limit and each annotation should be ½ page in length.
• Should adhere to the APA style guide.
• No title page. Include you name, student number, your TA’s name, course code,
and the instructor’s name in the header of the first page
• Single-spaced
• Times New Roman, 12pt
• Include page numbers
• Use APA citation style
Your annotated bibliography will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Suitability of the selected articles
• Are the journal articles academic and peer-reviewed?
• Do the sources represent varied views?
• Is more than one side of the issue represented?
• Are the articles current and represent the most recent developments? Articles
should not be older than ten (10) years.
• Does the annotated bibliography represent a serious and skilled literature search?
Format and presentation
• Is APA style adhered to?
• Is the format consistent?
• Are the annotations the correct length? Is the bibliography 3 pages in length?
• Does the assignment contain spelling and grammatical errors?
• Are the annotations original?
• Are the annotations critical as well as descriptive?
• Do the annotations provide accurate representations of the sources?
• Do the annotations indicate the usefulness of the source to the topic?
Newbold, K. B. (2005). Self-rated health within the Canadian immigrant population: risk
and the healthy immigrant effect. Social Science and Medicine, 60, 1359-1370.
Newbold’s (2005) article employs quantitative research methods in an attempt to
determine if the “Healthy Immigrant Effect” exists using self-assessment among foreignborn and Canadian-born cohorts. Newbold (2005) uses the longitudinal components of
the National Population Health Survey to determine the existence and prevalence of
various chronic conditions within each population using both descriptive and multivariate
methods. The results of this analysis found mixed evidence to support the existence of
the “Healthy Immigrant Effect”. Newbold (2005) found that self-assessed health status
was not significantly different for the two groups but did find that the Canadian-born
were less likely to transition to poor health over time.
This article is useful as it illustrates how quantitative methods, the most commonly used
research method for scholars working on the question of the “Healthy Immigrant Effect”,
can be used to determine if differences exist in the health outcomes for foreign and
Canadian-born cohorts. This article is also important as it reviews the previous work
conducted in this area and provides several theories that researchers have suggested
to understand this phenomenon.
You MUST choose one topic from the options below. This will be the SAME topic you
will address for Assignment 2.
1. Pick one specific rural community or a health issue affecting rural spaces in Canada
and evaluate it based on the course topics and health geography concepts.
2. Pick one specific health issue impacting Indigenous communities in Canada and
evaluate it based on the course topics and health geography concepts.
3. Choose one public health challenge (e.g. obesity, aging population, poverty, vaccine
hesitancy, safe housing) and explore how health geographers have engaged with
the topic and their contributions to the research. What are the key issues highlighted
or addressed by health geo