This assignment requires that you write a single-spaced, one page, 12-point font, paper in which you contextualize the material from your life’s experience. Please do not give me general or internet information on the topic. I want to know your perspective. You can reference the discussion material. Please attach your essay and make sure it has your name.
The changing American Family reflects that:
Women are receiving an education and are now a major part of the workforce.
Men are having to adapt to non-traditional gender roles, helping to raise the children, and assisting with house chores.
Women are becoming more and more independent. Couples are choosing to have fewer children
Women are choosing to marry much later in life. They want to focus on their education and career.
Many couples don’t want to get married and instead choose to live together with their partners and to have children. More than half of children are born to parents who are not married.
The family’s busy lifestyle requires that they spend less time together. The children are often in daycare or with family members. Technology’s social network has replaced traditional family time. Families are cooking less and eating more fast food or take-out meals.
Discuss the benefits and consequences of the changing American family.