Feedback from my classmate on what to fix on my presentation: The first classmate: think I should have just stated what the secondary system was. she said a few of us including herself didn’t cite for the images which is just as important. she would have liked to know more of the relationship between both systems and maybe an image that better shows the relationship between the two as well. The second classmate: think I should double check the spelling on the slides and maybe change the theme of the slides to where it is more inviting to look at and read. with it just being plain white background it is not one to hold a lot of interest. The last classmate: want me to be sure to double check spelling and grammar. for instance, you misspelled ” New Hampshire” on the title slide. on slide three she recommend changing the bullet mark I used from a question mark to something else, because the question mark implies that it is a question. she would recommend to combine the strength of my detailed images, i.e Figure 3 could be moved to page 7 with the items identified in the image described adjacent to it. the image is a good reference for the information I provide on other slides and having them together would be easier to check what I am describing. otherwise it forces the reader to flip slides back and forth. Color and design always go a long way with maintaining a reader’s interest, so maybe I should spice it up a bit with some art or colors