write a dissertation of 14000 words. attached the my research proposal 1 & 2 you can look into it and follow the topic.
General Guidance for Dissertation Layout
Aspect ‘Word’ Command Line Recommended Setting
Word count 12,000 to 15,000 words maximum. Excludes abstract, references, i.e. main text only
Paper Size File, Page setup – Paper. A4
Margin Settings
File, Page setup, margins Top 2.54cm Bottom 2.54cm
Left 3.17cm Right 3.17cm
Gutter 0cm Gutter Position Left
Line spacing
Format, Paragraph, Indents & spacing One and a half line spacing, not single line.
Page Numbering
View, Header & Footer, Insert page Numbers
For sections from Acknowledgements to start of Main Text page number format is i) ii) iii) ..and so on continuously
For Main Text page number format is 1,2, 3 and so on continuously
Position of number on page: centred
Text Format, Styles & Formatting Times New Roman preferred
Format, Styles & Formatting 12 pt. No less than 10pt in tables and figures.
Alignment Format, Styles & Formatting Justified
Typical Dissertation Layout
Front cover See separate example
Acknowledgements See separate example
Abstract See separate example
Table of Contents Insert, Reference, Index & Tables As required
List of Figures Insert, Reference, Index & Tables As required
List of Tables Insert, Reference, Index & Tables As required
Abbreviations (optional) As required
Main text
Chapter & Section Headings Format, Bullets & Numbering, Outline numbered Chapter title, bold, outlined numbered e.g. Chapter 1, start each chapter on new page
Section title , bold, outlined numbered e.g. 1.1,
Sub section title, outlined numbered e.g. 1.1.1
References Harvard system preferred
Appendices Appendix title, bold, outlined numbered e.g. Appendix 1, start each Appendix on new page
Binding Spiral bound, (not a A4 Ring Binder)
Number of copies Two hardbound copies plus an electronic version, Word or pdf format.