Assignment Description
You will complete a draft of the introduction and literature review for your final, signature assignment. The required elements are described in detail below. Writing a literature review is different than your annotated bibliography. You may use elements of your literature review outline and your annotated bibliography in this draft.
Directions – be sure to include all required elements and read through everything below BEFORE starting to write!
The entire paper must be in complete APA paper format, except for an abstract, which should not/shall not/will not include (seriously- NO abstract, please).
You must have a properly formatted title page, running head, pagination, and references list.
All quotes and paraphrases must be in proper APA format as should all centered and side headings.
To see an example of an entire paper in APA format, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/.
If you are unsure about how to cite a work properly, then please visit the APA site, Bibme.org, KnightCite, or the Purdue OWL site.
Introduction (center heading)
The first paragraph of the introduction should provide a rationale for why the research question is being addressed and the significance of your study. Refer back to your problem statement/rationale work in your journals for ideas.
The introduction must also include separate sections with your Problem Statement (side heading) and your Research Question (side heading). The research question should not just be put in the paper on its own, but must be followed by an overview of the study. Please see the sample paper draft and final paper in the Assignment folder for the final paper (Assignment 16. Research Design Project).
For an excellent overview of an introduction and its elements, please see: http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/introduction.
Literature Review (center heading)
Begin with a paragraph providing a general overview of the topics to be covered and how they relate to the research question. Think of this as your umbrella under which all your topics/themes/subheaders will live/flow.
Then use side headings to organize your literature review into relevant topics. These may be drawn from your literature review outline assignment, but may have changed due to further discoveries as you continued to search for additional articles. Do not plagiarize yourself by copying text from your annotated bibliography.
This section will not be a paper by paper summarization. The goal here is to make connections across articles that relate to your chosen topics in the literature review section. You will most likely need to go beyond the five resources required for your annotated bibliography assignment.
To follow APA formatting, there are no “I” statements in a literature review. All information is written in the third person.
For your final paper, you must include a minimum of 2 properly used and cited paraphrases and 2 properly used and cited quotes from research you are including. The literature review is an excellent spot to include these – and you can get feedback on your APA style in this draft.
For an excellent overview of the elements of a literature review, please see: http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/literaturereview.
References (center heading)
You must provide an APA formatted list of all references cited in your paper thus far. This list will start on a new page, per APA.
The scoring rubric for this assignment can be found at:
Here (below) is a template for you to either simply look over as a guide or make a copy (into your own Google Drive or download to your computer).
Remember- for Week 7 you are ONLY doing your intro and literature review. This example template gives you better context as to how all the pieces fit together. There is a Word doc template inside Week 8 that is another option for you (FYI).