Are the Sustainable Development Goals just another expression of modernization theory?
Critically discuss this question, focusing specifically on the goals that relate to economic development. You should refer to the theories, definitions and concepts discussed in weeks 1 and 2 of the course an incorporate such into your essay (Learning Objectives 1+2).
The theories, definitions and concepts discussed were: Enlightenment, industrialism, colonialism, imperialism, Third world, BRICS development bank, N-11 , BBVA eagles, CIVETS. 3 types of underdevelopment , social , economic and political. Ways to measure development: GNI and human development. Sustainable development goals 2030. Modernization theory (rostow, Samuel huntington), dependency theory (Fernando Henrique Cardoso).
Which role should the state play: concepts : command economy , Latin American Statism, East Asia development state, Neo-liberal state. Import substituting industrialization. Export oriented industrialization. Globalization.