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ides, the heat of the summer and the rising tension of the inability to register to vote for the African Americans community and the ones who wanted to keep things the way the always been were about to collide and erupt into a massive outburst of violence. Civil Rights Activist, Meager Evers, realized that change was not going to come easy, and he was willing to lay down his life to make a change for his wife and children. Meager Evers, a veteran surviving World War II, was killed by his own countrymen for wanting equal rights in his own country. The NAACP and SNCC workers began to mobilize the young black youths, training, and preparing the young volunteers that choose to help make a change even at the expense of expulsion from school and imprisonment. The fall of 1962 The Council of Federated Organizations, COFO, organized the Freedom Vote. The Vote had two primary objectives 1. To show the nation and Mississippi that blacks wanted to vote 2. To give blacks the practice of voting after victory of the Freedom Vote, in the summer of 1964 became known as Freedom Summer. The volunteers came in force gearing up to go to Mississippi to register voters for the 1964 presidential elections. These college student volunteers spent a week at learning seminar, bringing with them bail and extra money for living expenses, and with the full knowledge that they or another student may be murdered. As the recruits left Ohio on the way to Mississippi, three didn’t make it to their check in locations, the FBI became involved finding out more dead bodies than just the three missing students. Freedom Summer also established the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party, and after much consideration and negation received seats at the Democratic National Convention that has always been white. Much like all campaigns the Freedom Summer did not attain all of its goals but it certainly had many triumphs.
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A lot of history is a gripping tale of female activism. Most historians begin their story in 1848, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton first appeared in public at the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y. And demanded the right to vote and put an end to the story in 1920, when Tennessee became the 36th country to ratify the 19th amendment. African-American women in the South had to fight Jim Crow ‘s laws to win their right to vote. For two centuries, in petitions and parades, with warlike tactics and diverse motives, women have fought and won this precious badge of equal citizenship. They voted in the 1770s, launched petitions in the 1830s, attended suffrage conventions in the 1850s, and strategized to win victories in the early states. The House of Representatives adopted the amendment on 21 May 1919, followed by the Senate two weeks later. When Tennessee became the 36th State to ratify the amendment on 18 August 1920, the amendment passed its final obstacle to the agreement of three-fourths of the States. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby approved the ratification on 26 August 1920, transforming the shape of the American votes. Women and Civil rights movement was about the same but also very different. Women wanted the right to vote and can do what men do. While civil rights movement was struggling for social justice, fairness, and so much more.
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The progressive movement originally founded governmental programs such as social security and welfare programs. This movement also led to the civil rights laws being passed. It secured the rights of women’s right to vote and so forth. This movement comes and goes with renewed interest and different causes. The Progressive Movement has been linked to Democratic party in most instances.
I think the progressive movement didn’t die out after Lyndon Johnson’s victory in 1964. But the movement has changed but at the core stayed the same. The progressive movement now not only includes civil rights issues but encompasses gay rights, gender equality, healthcare reform, and gun laws. Since 2008, there has been a renewed interest in this movement that try to change country for the better. Although the 2016 election was a move to more conservative time in American history, but also has sparked the new beginnings of a new progressive movement.
This is evident with the presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders. The Sanders campaign was seen as the progressive part of the Democratic party in oppose to moderates such as Joe Biden. His campaign focused on progressive ideas such as free universal healthcare and free education and debt forgiveness. Sanders began this “socialist” movement in his first attempt in 2016 and has continued now. This movement has sparked debate and protests across the country, demanding that the government be reformed.