Through writing this positional paper, you will be required to demonstrate knowledge of your approved topic, how to conduct research using the GMC Library, how to properly use APA style (formatting, citation, and referencing of sources), and how to apply critical thinking skills within the analysis and presentation of your research results.
Your positional paper is to be a minimum of 5 complete pages in length. Your positional paper should include an APA title page, an abstract, and an APA reference page. The APA title page, abstract, and APA reference page DO NOT count towards the minimum page requirement! Your body of work needs to be a minimum of 5 complete pages in length. This paper is to be written in long essay format (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion).
You will be responsible for using a minimum of 5 sources from which you are required to use a minimum of 3 scholarly/peer-reviewed sources. Note that textbooks are not considered a scholarly/peer-reviewed source. The following list of websites are unacceptable for use in the positional paper (WordPress, Chegg, Chron, CourseHero, Wikipedia, About, eHow, JustAnswer, Quizlet, Scribd, Stackoverview, Wikihow, or WiseGeek). Blogs are also unacceptable for use in the positional paper. All sources used must be current (within the past 10 years), credible, AND authoritative.
Be as thorough as possible when writing your positional paper, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS…don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade.