Research is important to the continued improvement of professional practice, and determining a focused research question is a crucial first step in the research process. A good research question may suggest a range of potential hypotheses that a researcher would like to investigate, but such a question most importantly provides focus and direction for a researcher’s initial efforts.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAs and practice behaviors:
Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
Use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research.
Related Assignment Criteria:
1. Explain the reasoning for selecting this research question.
2. Describe existing knowledge about the problem.
3. Explain how a search of the literature on the selected topic can inform both the researcher and influence the research design process.
4. Explain whether there are other sources of information that might be related to the topic.
Use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.
Related Assignment Criteria:
1. Explain the reasoning for selecting this research question.
2. Describe existing knowledge about the problem.
Assignment Description
This first project component will become the foundation for the research plan that you will create in this course. Planning a research study requires critical attention to details, beginning with a well-articulated research topic and derived research question. The overarching research question drives the literature search, as well as the methods of data collection and analysis. This first assignment requires that you consider your already-defined research question and the various sources of information that might inform your
Complete the following:
Explain why you selected this research question.
Describe what you already know about the problem.
How might your practice experience inform a study regarding this problem, given the research problem that you have identified?
What do you know about the origins, prevalence, and correlates of the problem?
How might you apply your personal and professional knowledge and skills to the study planning process, if you were to conduct a study on this topic?
Explain how a search of the literature on the topic that you have selected can inform both the researcher and influence the research design process.
What functions does the literature review serve?
How you might go about conducting a literature review for your proposed study on the topic that you chose? Describe the steps you might take.
Explain whether there are other sources of information that might be related to your topic.
What are the sources?
How might you go about getting this information?
Here is what I wrote for my Discussion question so it will go base off of the choice
Social Inequality Against African Americans
People of color have constantly been getting the short end of the stick in terms of economic and education opportunities, social services such as health care, policy research, and employment. As a member of a diverse community, I have always felt that unintentional prejudice and bias are deeply embedded in our systems and have been causing unnecessary harm to people of color, more specifically the African Americans. With the recent news focusing on the maltreatment of people of color and increasing awareness of the nation to social inequality, I believe that understanding its roots and implications is the first step in addressing the issue. As a qualitative research topic, performing surveys in different work conditions and company sizes will help us understand the prevalence and driving forces of racial inequality in employment, as perceived by African Americans and their White peers. Studying an adequate number of resumes from urban firms and the opportunities available for African Americans also reveals the pervasive nature of racial injustice in the country (Bertrand & Mullainathan, 2004). By randomly assigning black-sounding or white-sounding names on the published resumes and tracking their progress throughout different agency recruitments, the research can determine the relationship between race and the American labor market. The results are useful in shaping the country’s policies and actions on equal employment laws.
Bertrand, M., & Mullainathan, S. (2004). Discrimination in the Job Market in the United States | The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab. The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). Retrieved 7 June 2020, from https://www.povertyactionlab.org/evaluation/discrimination-job-market-united-states.