General Instructions: Working individually; choose a public company and analyze the financial statements. Write a paper and present your findings in a visual presentation.
Submission Requirements: Prepare a typed, 12 font, double-spaced paper (no less than two full pages and no more than four) reporting your findings. Be sure to properly cite any articles you used in the preparation of your paper. Attach copies of the financial statements (Income Statement, Statement of Owners Equity, Balance Sheet).
Presentations & Paper Due on: June 18, 2020
• To develop your data research, analytical and presentation skills
• To utilize facets of financial accounting in interpreting financial statements.
1. Select an industry of interest to you. Select a public company within that industry. Acquire a copy of the financial statements within the annual report for each company (available on the company’s website or you may call the company and they can send you a hard copy of the annual report).
2. Review the financial statements and any other pertinent information about the company to analyze the financial statements. Financial ratios will be useful in interpreting the information. Please write and present about 3 areas on the financial statements.
3. Research and interpret the financial outcomes. Example: examine the accounts receivables and the account receivable ratios, what do they mean as a standalone, what do they mean when compared to a previous year or compared to a similar organization? You have freedom to select accounts that you feel are most interesting, whether because they are doing very well or poorly or possibly because of a significant opportunity within the organization.
4. Present your findings in a visual presentation. Make it interesting and be creative! You can use any format to present. Example: role play a marketing pitch for your company or hold an annual shareholder meeting. Also, feel free to discuss other information that you found of interest.
5. You will be graded on the paper and presentation.