For this assessment, choose either option 1 or 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the Instructions below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.
Option 1
You are the new HR manager for Java Corp. The company has just lost a sexual harassment lawsuit and damages included back pay, front pay, punitive damages, and attorneys fees. The plaintiff, Ms. Stapel, was a female manager who had a consensual sexual relationship with her male boss, Mr. Rowe. Both moved up in title and responsibility over the past 5 years. After the relationship ended, Mr. Rowe made several offensive comments to coworkers without Ms. Stapel being present and later, a number of other employees made offensive sexual comments directly to Ms. Stapel.
The company had a harassment policy but only referred someone who felt harassed to their immediate supervisor and provided no other avenues of complaint. Your first project for Java Corp. is to create a formal policy that will protect employees, the organization, and all stakeholders.